101 Things in 1001 Days [ sticky / public ]

Sep 29, 2011 21:59

Bolded items: completed goals.
Italic items: in progress goals.

001. Carry my camera with me wherever I go.
002. Stop holding back my feelings.
003. Be kinder to others.
004. Be more open to my friends and family.
005. Lose 10 lbs.
006. Start knitting again.
007. Start painting again.
008. Enter 3 photography contests [0/3].
009. Get a facial at a spa.
010. Get a massage at a spa.
011. Keep up with my manicure on my own.
012. Sell 3 photography prints [0/3].
013. Hang artwork in an art show.
014. Become a better listener.
015. Stop interrupting people when it's not my turn.
016. Restart Project365.
017. Rebrand my freelance business and stick with it.
018. Keep a sketchbook handy at all times.
019. Draw in said sketchbook whenever possible.
020. Wear an 18th century dress (reproduction or otherwise).
021. Get a real corset.
022. Take better care of myself.
023. Lose 10 more lbs.
024. Start taking yoga classes.
025. Walk my dog every day, regardless of weather.
026. Spend more time with my grandmother.
027. Stop bottling things up.
028. Start seeing a therapist weekly.
029. Keep in touch with my long-distance friends.
030. Have a meaningful relationship with a guy.
031. Rekindle an old flame.
032. Start saving money.
033. Pay back my $5,000 student loan in one year.
034. Graduate college.
035. Graduate college with honors.
036. Accept dates from all who ask.
037. Work on my relationship with my father.
038. Forgive people's mistakes and move forward.
039. Stop holding grudges.
040. Get a second tattoo.
041. Become a better photographer.
042. Read 5 books on photography, of any subject [0/5].
043. Buy a new pair of glasses.
044. Get contacts again.
045. Buy a fabulous pair of sunglasses.
046. Lose another 10 lbs.
047. Work on my self esteem.
048. Work on my body image issues.
049. Get 3 photographs published [0/3].
050. Get my tarot read again.
051. Receive a tarot deck.
052. Start horseback riding regularly again.
053. Knit 3 pairs of leg warmers [0/3].
054. Donate clothes and shoes to charity.
055. Volunteer at a therapeutic riding center.
056. Learn the art of making cocktails.
057. Try something new when offered.
058. Move out into my own place.
059. Keep my bedroom clean.
060. Spend less money.
061. Visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.
062. Visit the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.
063. Create better friendships with acquaintances.
064. See all Harry Potter movies, in sequential order [0/7].
065. Attend a pirate festival/convention.
066. Create a pirate name and persona.
067. Go to the dentist every 6 months.
068. Start taking a daily multivitamin.
069. Start taking a daily supplement of biotin.
070. Start taking a daily supplement of Omega-3/fish oil.
071. Begin making jewelry.
072. Keep up with making jewelry.
073. Open an Etsy shop.
074. Sell 3 items in the Etsy shop [3/3].
075. Start teaching horseback riding lessons again.
076. Take a CPR class.
077. Lose another 10 lbs.
078. Take a First Aid class.
079. Get CPR/First Aid certified.
080. Take the MA Civil Service Exam.
081. Love myself.
082. Be in a photoshoot.
083. Do make-up for a photoshoot.
084. Start visiting my papa's grave regularly.
085. Go on a photography trip.
086. Buy a professional-level DSLR.
087. Begin shooting in black & white film again.
088. Eat more fish.
089. Visit Canada.
090. Visit Mexico.
091. Go to the MFA in Boston once a week for inspiration, for 3 months [0/12].
092. Start the Couch to 5k program.
093. Finish the Couch to 5k program.
094. Continue running.
095. Make sushi at home.
096. Move out of Massachusetts.
097. Begin networking with other design professionals.
098. Keep my portfolio updated.
099. Learn more about finances and the stock market.
100. Begin writing a book of any length.
101. Illustrate, write, and publish a book.

Each time I complete a goal, I will be updating this list as well as posting an entry in my journal about it. Large goals that are completed will be posted about in mission101_2009 in addition to my personal journal. Goal entries will be tagged with their # as well as the "101 things" tag, to make it easier to follow. These goal entries will be public, as my family wants to follow along with my progress.

I can't wait to start!

101 things

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