If you took Michael Fassbender's face...and body...and well...generally just HIM and added James McAvoy's accent, you'd have the best guy EVER....
That guy's Ewan. ;)
(He could borrow Michael Fassbender's body though... in case you don't remember I suggest you all go stare at the pic from my previous post.)
I'm so happy that just because I've "grown up" in terms of my love life and relationships, etc. that I haven't lost my love of the unattainable hotties of the world. I was concerned for a while there... :P
(Also still have a strange fondness/attraction to Sam Witwer - he who I like to call "Video Game" - also known as former Doomsday/Davis Bloome on my dearly departed Smallville =( or more recently, Starkiller in The Force Unleashed I & II games. Just finished playing 2 on easy and started over again almost immediately on medium. :P )
Edited to add:
HOLLLYY CRAAAP they're in an upcoming movie together.......
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1506999/ O_O