I have yet to tell you all about my wonderful birthday present -- An XBox 360 (a combined present from all my family and friends, all except Neen as she got me....) the new Star Wars video game, The Force Unleashed!!!!
(Big, big, BIIIIIIIIIIIG thank you to everyone for these presents!! I love them muchly!!! They are the best thing I could get both because it lessens the lots of stuff having and no space in my room and also because...they're...really awesome. :D :D)
Annnd... I must say, friends, I love The Force Unleashed.
Other people say it sucks as a video game, and I'm sure for video game afficinados...it does. But for me, sucking myself at video games as I do - it's PERFECT. It's like, as I put it, "Shadows of the Empire on CRACK!" (But much like Clue and her message in my birthday card... I'm not all that aware of what Crack actually IS like - despite having done a project on it and its detrimental affects in Grade 6 :P).
The first level - intro, if you will - you play as Darth Vader and kill wookiees. That was lovely. I spent the entire time giggling maniacally. It has truly hit at my wanting-to-be-a-villain-ness. :D
And...I have loved this game since I got it a week ago... BUT now I have reached a road block...that being -- the second level. :P
As I said, I suck at video games. I LOVE THEM, but I suck. I especially suck at doing things subtly - in this case... walking across a bridge and not falling in a chasm. I have fallen in that damn chasm more times than I can count and I am SO SICK OF THIS LEVEL. I went looking for a way to just bypass it in strategy guides online only to find THIS wonderful suggestion:
"Carefully jump down to the makeshift bridge you created"
That's just...so...useful... o_O
Anyhow, I haven't played for a few days in the hopes that I'd figure out what the heck I was supposed to do - finally figured out how to MAKE the bridge, now I can't figure out how to get ACROSS.
And so (teehee...Frank), I am getting aggravated - as in Hulk-style aggravated. Not nearly enough to smash anything (because that'd just be crazy with my XBox so nearby, and I do love it so, replacement-bf that it is... :P)
Let's hope I eventually learn how to cross this crazy, crazy bridge... :(
Oh and here's a picture I took of my game to show it's awesome-ness:
Also - internet - I HATE YOU! (For disconnecting so many times while I tried to post this)
Technology...not my friend. >:|