Natural Disaster

Feb 07, 2010 11:51

 Last night I dreamed about ....

A Natural Disaster

I don't remember what the disaster was. In the dream, when I was talking to someone, I compared it to the tsunami and the Haiti earthquakes, so it was likely something like that. I complained that it should never have happened in Canada. It was a lot like Jericho, if you ever caught an episode or two of the show.

My family now lived in a large 2 room covered wagon. It was fairly spacious as far as covered wagons go, but it was still cramped because it had a lot of our stuff in it. We had piled everything we could salvage from our home into it, and now we had come to the bitter realization that we could never put it all back, because our home was destroyed and it was going to take months for everyone's home to be rebuilt. We were going to have to weed through all of our belongings and only keep what we needed right now. It was upsetting.

It was night. Inside the wagon was kind of gypsy-ish-. There were richly coloured silk scarves on the walls, oil lamps glowing warmly. Outside was a parking lot- there were a dozen cars or so immediately outside our door. I was outside getting something from our car when a really handsome man walked up to me. He was looking for directions to somewhere- I think he had something he wanted to sell, and wanted to know where the market had set up.

I told him I had no idea where he should go. A man behind us, in a big car/truck shouted at him- "You could join up with us."

The handsome guy looked a little uncomfortable and said he wouldn't want to impose, but I could see that he was interested. There were a few men in the truck. It had green license plates and a green flag of some kind. They made me feel uncomfortable. The guy asked me quietly who they were. I shrugged, looked behind me again, and said, "For all I know, they could be their own country." He laughed, but I said, "No. I'm serious. I think they are."

They urged him again to join them, and he walked over to them and did so. I was disappointed in him, though I had only just met him. I found whatever I needed from our car and went back to the wagon. I could hear them having a small party in their truck. One of them had a guitar. The new guy was asking if they knew Lukey's Boat, because he lost his Great Big Sea collection in the disaster. They complied, and the new guy laughed and said it was the gayest version he ever heard. I was extremely curious how they made it sound "gay", and if that meant that it sounded like a dance track, but I woke up.

And yes, Lukey's Boat was stuck in my head.

Analysis: Well, earthquakes in Haiti had something to do with the natural disaster part.

But I think most of it is because Alex still hasn't moved his stuff from my apartment. It's been mostly packed in boxes since I moved in. And while he was packing up and organizing the rest of his stuff recently, he found 3 or 4 boxes of mine that I hadn't unpacked. I did that last night (mostly- there is still 1 box left). It's all about keeping what you need and not hanging onto the past, but it's difficult. I've done a pretty good job over the last year, getting rid of things, but I still own more than I really need.
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