Friday Night Dreams

Jan 31, 2010 01:12

 Last night, I dreamed about ...

Visiting Dom.

I was in Toronto with Dom, but her apartment was actually a combination of hers and mine. This was a really long dream. There was something about a guitar, and something about a party. But all I really remember is that there was a fire in the middle of the day and firemen had to come and get us out of the building via the window. We were perfectly calm, and we flirted a bit with the firemen.

I woke up planning on getting up for the day, but ended up falling back asleep for an hour or two and dreamed that ...

We went to an oldy-worldy show.

This dream was weird. There were three of us- myself, a man a little older than I was (in his 30s), and a girl about 10 or 11 years old. The girl was dressed like it was the 19th century (clothing like the original illustrations in the Alice in Wonderland books). I'm not sure what I or the man was wearing, and I have no idea what year this was supposed to be. It felt like a combination of Victorian and modern day.  (But no, not steampunk.) We had bought tickets to some kind of show- something to do with a conjurer or magic or fortune telling- and we had to wait for hours inside the theatre until the show began.

There was a lot of sepia tones while we waited. The lobby in particular seemed to be lit so that everything was yellow-y brown...

I don't remember anything of the show. Just that it was a live performance on a long black stage.

After it ended it was quite late at night, and we had to walk home. This part was definitely in Montreal. We had to navigate across some highways. The little girl seemed to be gone, but she wasn't lost- she just wasn't with us anymore.

ANALYSIS: FIRST DREAM: Well, my apartment building did have a small fire in it two weeks ago. And I would like to visit Toronto again.

SECOND DREAM: Not sure about this one. I guess it's about waiting and the future. Well, I understand those themes in my life very well.
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