Ugh today was a lot worse than it really should have been. I mean, there wasn't any sign that today should have been better or worse than any other day. JUST A LOT OF RANDOM BULLSHIT ALL HAPPENING AT ONCE.
That personal-meme type thing is going around, and I don't really have any thing more constructive to talk about.
1. First Name: Leanne
2. Age: 22
3. Location:
Boyertown, PA. Your average uber-conservative red small town, that people spend their whole lives in, and everyone knows everyone. Within an hour of Lancaster, Philadelphia, Allentown, and Reading.
4. Occupation:
I work in retail. Boscov's. It's a family owned&operated department store chain in the Mid-Atlantic states, HQ in Reading, PA. I started last year at Thanksgiving, but ended up staying past seasonal. It's the longest I've ever held a job, which, I'm happy about, although I always constantly fear just being randomly axed.
5. Kids:
I've really never had any true desire to have kids. It's not that I don't like kids; I just don't think I'm the type of person who is unselfish and capable enough to take care of them. And I don't see where/how they fit into my life, how they would benefit me, etc.
6. Brothers/Sisters:
Haha this is slightly complicated. I was raised an only child. I'm adopted, you see. Came home from the hospital at 5 days old. Just recently, three years ago, I learned I had three half-brothers, all a good bit younger than me. I've met them, and I love them to death. But because of my feelings about my birthmother, I haven't talked to, or even contacted them in over a year. And that hurts, but, I think it's for the best right now.
7. Pets:
No pets (unless you count my barnyard of stuffed animals that Pam bought me :P). We had a Brittany Spaniel named Buddy, that was put down when I was four. Then after that, my cousin's dog had puppies, and we bought one home. Yellow Lab named Pete. We put him down when I was 14.
8. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
1. Trying to get the hell out of Boyertown. I'd been working on learning to drive, and even taken my test a few times, and failed. I have to get a new permit paper (not retest for a new permit, oh no. just a new PAPER. Because PennDOT are a bunch of fuckers), and since that entails going a half-hour to Reading, I haven't. So, I don't know. I really don't know if I'll ever get my license.
And that sucks because once (if) I live on my own, I plan on living somewhere where I can walk/use public transit most of the time.
I also want to move out of Boyertown so I can cut ties with as many people as possible. This includes a lot of my family. I really have no interest in them, save for a few relatives here and there. I don't feel like I can trust/be open with many of them, and I think moving out would make it easier to just sort of grow apart from them.
2. The Phillies. They consume me, sadly. I was talking to Pam the other night about how we hate people who live for their SO, and talk about BEING IN WUB all the time and/or the dramas that come along.
I told her that I don't believe in true love, and then I said that, maybe it's because the Phillies are my true love. And that makes perfect sense.
3. My sexuality. Hi, I'm a fucking wreck here.
4. Rage. I have serious rage issues. To the point where I honestly fear I could be incarcerated some day. And no, this isn't baseball-based rage. :P
9. Where and for what did you go to school for?:
I didn't. I don't do school, thanks.
10. Parents?:
My mom and dad are both 60 years old, both born-and-raised in Boyertown, graduated together (although they were not high-school sweethearts; they didn't start dating until 10 years after they graduated).
I'm a lot closer with my dad than my mom; he knows what to say or not say, and when to not even say anything at all. My mom is just a complete nag, and we really have nothing in common, and we never actually have. My mom though, I think, knows more about me than my dad, but that's because she's a little less judgemental and abrasive than my dad can be.
My dad worked at a factory for years before retiring...some years ago, I forget when, but he's sinced worked a couple different jobs here and there, and now works at car rental place, driving cars back and forth to their destinations.
My mom was a teacher for 30 years; 1st grade for 28 of them. She retired in 05 and now does some work at their church.
Speaking of, my parents are both religious, and I was raised in that. And it scarred me profusely. I think my dad gets it more than my mom, again, that the people at our church are hypocrites, etc, while my mom lives in a bubble-world where, no, everyone loves everyone!
11. Who are some of your closest friends?
I'm not really friends with any people I went to high school with. I'd say the closest to that is Scott, a guy who graduated a year behind me. His dad and my dad work together, and Scott has worked on my computer a couple times. We actually have a lot more in common than I would've thought, and have confided in each other about some personal things, although we haven't talked recently, online. Which has me thinking, I should probably IM or email him sometime soon.
At work, I'm mostly "friends", I'd say with the stock boys. They're all around my age, and I just like talking to them, they're all very nice to me.
There's my two co-workers from up in Girls/Infants, especially Alicia, who is about my age. We hit it off right away. And Dori from Candy, who gives me free samples of fudge :D
But let's get to LJ.
My bestest best friend is
blinding_voip aka Pam. We met in February 2006, right after both of us had gone through some rough patches, personally. We met through !world, of all places. !David quoted some Homestar Runner, !JP jumped in, they IM'd each other, the rest is history.
I can't count anymore how many times we've met up in person. We always talk about moving in together but then we end up spending our money to see each other every few months.
Guys, let me just tell you how amazing Pam is. The lengths she's gone to for me, with all the bullshit I put her through with my emotional trips and breakdowns and outbursts...I can't believe that someone would just put up with me, and what's more, do it because they care, not out of a sense of obligation.
And...some of you know this but, we were an "us" for a few months at the end of 07. But I have some serious issues regarding a) my sexuality b) trust c) relationships, so we're not, anymore. And I was kind of scared that would ruin things, that I didn't want us to be "us" anymore, but it hasn't, thank God.
Also, she buys me PIGGIES! :D
I consider just about everyone on my flist my friend, and I care about all of them. Trust me, if you're on my fList, it's because you make me happy for one reason or another. Some of my flist gotten to meet in person (
numb_kisses), and I hope I get to see again. And not everyone I've become friends with through baseball! Which, I don't know, gives me hope, maybe, haha.
Finally, she's not on LJ, but !LJ. Ashley. She plays !JJ Hardy(!David's boyfrennnn). I've known her for...well, since David and JJ have known each other, so since early 2006. I don't know if she knows how good of a friend I consider her; she has a lot more of a social life than I do, so I guess sometimes I wonder if maybe she thinks I'm a huge dork pecking away at my keyboard. But then I see how the second she signs on, she IMs me, and we talk a lot about just random shit, and I don't know. She just means a lot to me.
Besides that, guys, Jayson Werth was the backup catcher in Florida (while Coste was back in PA; his wife had their second kid :D). WHY IS THIS BROUGHT TO OUR (read: my) ATTENTION when there was no intention of using JDub. I mean, I knew he'd been drafted as a catcher, but still. I AM LEFT TO WONDER about JDub in catching gear. Wah.
Actually, there
?was an article on Yahoo!Sports Baseball about the Rangers outfield. I love how JHam's their leader. Suddenly. I don't know, something about it amuses me.
And. The Rangers went tarpsliding when they found out tonight's game was postponed.
The rain was pounding down mercilessly at Shea Stadium on Saturday night when Ian Kinsler, ever the trouble-making ringleader, had an idea.
The Texas Rangers’ second baseman hopped to his feet, raced from the dugout and dived across the tarp over the infield, by then a giant Slip ‘n Slide.
Josh Hamilton, Michael Young, Josh Rupe and Milton Bradley-bad knees and all-followed suit to a big ovation from the hardy New York Mets fans who had already weathered an hour of lightning strikes, downpours and teases from the public address announcer who promised the rain would subside.
“I’ve done this before. It’s a good thing we stuck around. We had some good routines going,” Kinsler said. “It was awesome. We’re just having fun tonight. We haven’t had any rain problems this year, so we might as well have some fun.”
And and. Yesterday's game, JHam and David Murphy got in a cab to go to Shea. They ended up at Yankee Stadium. Ahaha.
I just really like my Rangers tag.