you know you gotta help me out...

May 12, 2008 03:58

Aight. offspeed did, I guess. Of pet peeves in fanfic. I don't have a particular number of things that bother me, but let's just start listing the things that really bug me in fanfic (specifically MLB RPS but it is pretty all-encompassing).

1. INSTA-PORN! Okay, and by that I mean. Two dudes just jump right in bed within ten minutes of their first kiss. I mean come the the fuck on. Unless both the dudes are cool with sexin' other dudes, and have some sort of experience, I ain't buyin' it, and will click the back button so fast. It reeks of a) poor characterization and b) poor plotting.

2. Disappearance of supporting characters. This can kind of fall under Wives-Be-Gone but I mean. If Clay Buchholz and Jacoby Ellsbury develop this thing, they're not goin to just suddenly hang with each other 24/7 and forget about Jon Lester and Jed Lowrie and Brandon Moss. Actually depending on how they feel about it, it could be the opposite, being avoidant. ANYWAY. It's so...girly, or something. I just can't see two guys being like that with each other if something develops between them. (I think the only pairing where I'm vaguely okay with it is Nash/Nowitzki because they kind of did spend all day-every day with each other. Canon, from the lips of Michael Finley.)

And also because I think it does so much more for the story, when you have strong supportinc characters, and dynamics. I honestly didn't get all hardcore about writing my Smoltz/Glavine fic until I realized how important a role Steve Avery would have in it. And I cared about that so much, and was just wow'd at how much he brought to the whole thing.
It's why I never got too far off the ground with my Maddux/Glavine thing, because I didn't/still don't have any idea of what's to become of the supporting cast and even I can only stand to see Glavdawg wallowing in emo for so long. It is TIRING writing and reading a fic in where the ONLY thing that takes place is the ~*RELATIONSHIP*~ at hand. DON'T DO IT.

4. Blatant disregard for the sport at hand. I don't know, I feel like if it's a baseball, or hockey, or whatever fic. It should somehow incorporate the sport. I'm not saying I dislike offseason fic. But I mean, something should show that these guys are athletes, you know?

5. Song lyrics in fic. I don't mind lyrics/song title as a title, or at the very end of a fic or something. BUT DON'T FUCKING PUT LYRICS IN THE MIDDLE OF A DAMN FIC. WTF. Sorry. Harry Potter fic flashback.

6. Unrealistic dialogue. The majority of athletes aren't eloquent, and if they are, when it comes to spilling their feelingz for another dude...yeah, not so much. I mean, I think in the case of my favorite pairings, you have guys who are close enough to each other that they could at least share their feelings but it wouldn't be in like, I LOVE YOU MAN! terms. Ya know? I guess it's from RPing, that I have a handle on good/realistic dialogue (or like to think I do). So it bothers me when suddenly there's this huge purple dialogue. Sometimes you get the most out of saying very little.

7. Slash > Friendship. This bothers me in away that is terribly hard to word. And again, it comes from personal (as in, fic, not real-life) experience. They don't have to hook up to have a meaningful relationship. They can have a

Believe it or not, my favorite Braves!"pairing" besides S/G does not involve Glav at all, because Glav is annoying and, yeah. But anyway. Two guys, totally Bert&Ernie with each other but, I just. I fell in love with their friendship so much that I didn't even want to explore them as a pairing. There is nothing wrong with no slash. Don't force what's not there.

Of course, two people have different opinions. One person may see the slash and someone else may not but sometimes I think some pairings are written based on the consensus that they're a pairing, and not based on the author's personal interpretation.

And perhaps that's why I'm so over Wright/Reyes, because, yeah, at one time? I could see it, but as of right now, I feel like to keep going with it is sort of irresponsible? To me, they're obviously not the "pairing" they once were. And it just sort of rubs me the wrong way to see it keep going as a pairing. If someone wrote a fic where David and you know, RYAN Z were a thing and David and Jose had a close-sort of friendship, I would love it to death.

(Yes, I know. I have DW/JR icons but n'aw. They were so fucking cuddly-cute and lolz-y and were I think, my very first baseball OTP. So even though they're both tools, I can't stand to part with them.)

8. Out and Proud. This? A product of growing up in a hyper-conservative environment, but, I'm sorry. I do not buy it. At all. I can deal with one or possibly two other person(s) knowing about the relationship and/or the sexuality of one of the people involved but I can't stand fic where the pairing involved is openly together.

8a. Being 100 percent okay with one's sexuality. I don't mean they WANGST 24/7 that oh noes, I have feelings for a dude! THIS IS BAD! But even if they know/knew at some point that they like/liked dudes, and have come to terms with it, I do not believe that they won't feel some sort of :\ based on the environment that is professional sports.

And since it is now officially Monday I can say: BATEBAW GAM 2MRW! Looks to be Jo-Jo Reyes vs. KK. AND DOLLAH DOG NIGHT! I'm JAZZED for this, guyyyyyys. Gonna sport my Kruk jersey and that new Phillies shirt I got. I will hopefully get pics of me and Abbey (numb_kisses). I say hopefully because I do not know how to accomplish this in a non-awkward fashion. I am 5'1" and she is 5'11". Hrm. Perhaps we could find me a stepstool.
And since it's Monday the 12th, that also means I'm going to Shea Stadium in TWO WEEKS. Buahaha. David Wright, meet your worst nightmare.

And, welcome to my friends-list, meril! :D


games i've attended, fictalk

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