I'm not into your passport picture, I just like your nose

Apr 07, 2007 09:48

This icon never fails to crack me up.

Fandomy question: Okay, I tried to turn this into a poll, but it was too broad a spectrum to make into a poll.
Anyway, I know there's a correlation, at least in the HP fandom, with fic being written after the release of a new book, or maybe the announcement of a new book, etc.

But I was wondering, RPF fans (of most any sort. I'm pretty sure most of the people who read this are in Sports RPS, or, I know of a few who are in bandom), if there's any correlation between writing/coming up with ideas and the beginning of a season, or, a new album/music video/I don't know, I'm not in bandom.
The only thing I know from experience is that the World Series tends to yield fic. Sort of like, it's the deadline or something. I'm not involved in LOTRIPS but I'm thinking maybe when one of the actors had a new project going on, that would, not yield more fic, but make the writer themself feel more inspired? This is me not having the slightest clue what I'm talking about. I guess

It's funny, in the offseason, I get ideas of all sorts; plausible ones, silly ones, cute ones. It helps me get through that long long winter.
Like I had this David/Ryan fic I sort of started thinking about, probably back in September. Then I started writing it and I kind of burned out around 800 words (this was in like, November). Now the season's starting again, and it seems like I MIGHT actually finish it at some point before the season is over because there's so much baseball going on. Might. I don't really know how to explain it other than that I feel more inspired.
Also, in the offseason, I tend to hate everything baseball-oriented that I try to write, and during the season, I don't. Not as much.

Maybe baseball's just MAGICAL.

This doesn't make sense, does it? Does anyone besides myself know what I'm trying to get at?

I discussed this briefly with ayrdaomei once, but off the top of my head, Steve Nash is the only prominent pro athlete in American sports that I can think of who is openly "liberal".

Being liberal in sports obviously puts you in the minority, or it certainly seems that way. Just like how being conservative on LJ, at least in fandom, seems to be the minority. So, I mean, it's not about that he's "liberal", even though I am. I just mean, anybody who can stand up for their beliefs with conviction, especially when they KNOW that they are in the minority, my respect for them goes up tons.

I bring this up because there's a new interview with Steve wherein they talk about his stance on the war in Iraq, and if he's "anti-Bush." To which he replies that he doesn't want to spend time being anti-anyone. And, while that's a great I-don't-want-to-give-my-real-answer answer, I think that's something I've always liked about Steve, how he has his own views and all, but is very "oh, okay" about it.

Oh, and I don't mean to say that just because Steve is anti-war, that's what makes him liberal. I probably sound retarded. That's why I have liberal in quotes. Maybe I should say that he is pegged as "liberal" by the media and inside the NBA, rather than if he really is or not. Obviously I don't know EVERYTHING about Steve. Shock gasp.

If you can think of any other athlete who is openly "liberal", or viewed as such, in some aspect, (not what you THINK or PERCEIVE or HOPE, but have legitimate proof of) plz let me know because, yeah.

I may delete this entire entry later because I don't know what it is, but I just sound so STUPID lately whenever I try and talk about ANYTHING. Even baseball, I'm all "dur that guy hit the ball to that guy and then that guy scored adur."

Finally, last night's game solidified that I love Jamie Moyer.

OH, and, either I'm really gullible, or Pat Burrell is genius (yes, I said something nice about Burrell. Here's something else: HE HAD A GOOD GAME LAST NIGHT!), but apparently his new AB music this season is "Dirty Laundry" by Don Henley. Which is known for the repeated line, "Kick 'em when they're up!/Kick 'em when they're down!"

okay stevie time to leavie, teh phullies, real life, fictalk

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