(no subject)

Jan 29, 2007 04:33

Just in case you were interested:

1. Even those of you I'm closest with, you all have no idea what high school was like for me. I am not exaggerating when I say every day of it made me want to cry, and made me wonder why I was even alive. The saddest thing is, as soon as I graduated, I repressed so much of it, so well, that I don't remember it as more than a vague string of events. So I can't talk about it with anyone, not even my therapist. Because I can't explain it.

2. At one time I wanted to be a mortician. And I still don't think that'd be a bad career for me. I'm not put off really by dead people. Unless they're like, horribly mangled and stuff.

3. When I was a kid, I always told my parents I wanted a Lincoln Town Car, impractical as it is. Because it would "make me look rich". Or um. Something logical like that.

4. I think I've mentioned this maybe to a few of you. Or like, a long time ago. I don't know. But I don't think most of you know, so.
I was in attendance at the infamous Danny Almonte perfect game at the LLWS in 2001.

5. I also, at one time, wanted to be a music journalist. There was a period of my life was music was as huge to me as baseball/basketball is now.

6. The extent of my crush on one Tom Glavine. Guys. Seriously. I know I've mentioned it and been all *wibble* and "arrrgh" about the fact that I like him, but it's really bad, you don't even know (obviously. "6 things you don't know about me"). This is the dirtiest and most conflicted I've ever felt about liking someone. Real, fictional, male, female, whatever. Nothing has felt wronger than this. And yet. And yet...

1. "Wild World"-Cat Stevens
During the year or so that I kept in contact with Toni, she told me that she had a song for each of her kids, me and my brothers. She said this was the one she had picked out for me, and then when I heard it again for the first time after she told me that, I was like, wow. Wow.
Over the summer, when I worked at Reading, a few times on the way home, I'd hear it on the radio. And I'd start crying silently, had tears streaming down my cheeks by the time we got home. Thank goodness it was dark, so my dad didn't see me and ask me what the fuck I was so miserable about.

2. "Say Hello 2 Heaven"-Temple of the Dog
Chris Cornell, has, I think, one of the more emotional voices in music, at least the music I listen to. This song is just sad in general, and Cornell makes it about 8x that.

3. "Here's Where the Story Ends"-The Sundays
Makes me think of the '93 Phils. Don't ask me why (besides the title, obv). It just does (we all have songs like that, I'm sure), and I get all misty-eyed.

4. "Life"-Our Lady Peace
When I'm all emo and shit, anyway. This is the one that brings on the tears the easiest.

5. "The Boys of Summer"-Don Henley
But only when I hear it in late September/early October.

6. "Break So Easy"-Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Again. Emo song.

This should go without saying, but I'm in no way attacking any of you guys who do like these things. Different interests is what makes us all very unique snowflakes. These are just things that I've never found myself into. Most of you know I don't like half of these anyway. Oh well.

1. The Mountain Goats-A lot of you all on my flist and some of those who used to be on my flist were always RAVING about TMG so I was like, huh, okay I'll try a few songs. And I was just like, "what. the fuck. was that." Lol, it just doesn't do anything for me. But then, I can't seem to get anybody else to appreciate the musical genius I think is Supertramp. So there you go.

2. Veronica Mars. I'm glad I only paid 20 bucks for the first season. I liked it, but if I had paid the full price, I don't think I would have gotten my money's worth. I just. I don't know. I'm not interested in any of the characters I feel like the show wants me to be interested in. And I hate it when a show makes me feel like I HAVE to like this, that, or the other thing.

3. House- I watched it once and was like, wow, that's it? So I watched it again, and it wasn't a complete waste; Chase is pretty to look at. But I just don't find it funny or intriguing like so many people do.

4. Remus/Sirius- This is huge in HP fandom. And, yes, while I ♥ James/Sirius, and various Remus ships, I never got into this ship. Yes, I was anti-slash at one time. But even then, that had nothing to do with why I didn't like this ship. They just seem like. I don't know, Sirius doesn't strike me as Remus's type, at least not someone he'd be in a longterm relationship with. I just didn't get the chemistry that everyone talked about, I suppose. I used to hate it with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. Now I'm just like, oh, okay, that's nice. *sticks James in there for a threesome*

5. Bruce Springsteen- Okay, maybe not you all who read this like him. But fucking RADIO plays him all the damn time. I like a few of his songs. I just think he's WEIRD, I don't know. Take away my Philadelphia card, I don't care. I'm just not all fascinated by him like the rest of the Tri-state area seems to be.

6. David Wright-NO SRSLY WHY DO PEOPLE FIND THIS CREATURE ATTRACTIVE. Like, in a OMG HE'S SO HOT way?! Ew. I want to shove an apple in his mouth and serve him at Christmas dinner.
He's cute and amusing and my favorite pasttime is making fun of him, but he's not HAWT! Bleh.
I told _squeee, David and I would make great friends as long as he didn't talk about anything other than baseball. Otherwise, I'd give him a nice right hook to the face if he opened his mouth.
Jose > David. The end.

Of course, this is coming from the person who dances around to Neil Diamond songs, can't wait to see the next episode of I ♥ New York, and has admittedly kissed a few pictures of Steve Nash. Judge not unless ye be judged, and all that.

I don't know why I just posted all that.
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