Jan 22, 2007 23:02
Missed my research class today- it's okay it's unassessed. Through a combination of scrupulous oral hygeine and strepsils, the sore throat has gone, but the cold is in full blossom. God I hate being ill. I look back fondly on the days when being ill had a sense of being a fate-given treat. Day off school, day-time telly, getting to be in pjs all day. Sigh. Now it's just a pain in the arse. Though I've drunk about half a litre of water this evening, and it has already made a difference. I've been very tired, though, hard to get my reading done, and I'm a little worried that my vertigo might come round for a visit *shakes fist at metaphorical personification of Vertigo, who looks like a male version of Lucille Osterro from Arrested Development, only smaller and more blurry* I realise that only Arrested Development fans are going to get that reference, but if you aren't one, well shame on you. It's the best comedy series, if not the best television series, ever made, and I will brook no argument over this, oh Curb Your Enthusiasm lovers.
Took Merri to the vet (the rather dashing Australian is in Australia for a bit, so we got another ,older, man, who seemed very capable). The upshot of it is, she probably does have a skin condition. The frequency of her getting what we thought were injuries, are too high really. But it's not presenting as a clear cut case of say feline eosinophilic granuloma like Bella or a sort of dermatitis. The vet decided that we should get her spayed a bit earlier than normal (it's possible to do it at 5 1/2 months, rather than the normal 6) and while she's under anaesthesia, take some biopsys. Then they'll know exactly what she has, as opposed to just giving her antibiotics now, which would heal the scabs but which would then affect any test results/not stop it from recurring at a later date. The poor little mite is going to have to live with those itchy lesions for the next fortnight, and I am a bit worried about her. But we shall see what happens in a month when we get the test results.
Will post about bridesmaid fitting another time.