Jun 02, 2011 03:04
As much as I adore FMA and some of the fanfiction that comes out of its fandom still lurking because I'M SHY, it has one bad effect on me: making me have moments of MY OWN WRITING IS HORRIBLE AND WILL NEVER BE THIS AWESOME, a trap I fall into way too easily lately. (See: my giant stack of WIPs.)
Plotting! Characters! And the fic like I've found for it is often the sort of fic that contributes to my reading fewer Proper Books. That is, the really good stuff.
Oh, there's bad fanfic (and internetsy/not-for-profit original) to be sure. There's also published crap. There's less crap than on the internets if you're speaking in volume alone, because things that are bad on levels like "couldn't be assed to spellcheck or use punctuation" don't make it through. BUT. With stories like that, I can tell right away that odds are high they will be of dubious quality. Bad books often lure you in, at least long enough for you to have bought or borrowed them :p.
Still need to write more, regardless. Forward! So in the name of finishing something, I ask you, LiveJournal:
Aenor Hildegard, Nora Hildegard, or "both those given names are pants, Tilly, I've got another one"?
Name is for a lady. With a robot iguana. I do not think the robot iguana has a name, however.
geekery: fma,
geekery: fandom,
help me livejournal