(no subject)

Jan 28, 2009 12:03

I miss my best friend :(. I'm trying so hard to make things right again. I really have a hard time telling her exactly how I feel. We went through a really rocky time over the summer, but I'm trying to make it right again. I dunno. Maybe if I could actually open up and cry to her maybe it would make it better. It sucks, and I just want it to be the way it used to be. I acknowledge that its mostly my fault. I went through that stupid depressive phase where I did nothing but drink and party, and I lost sight of everything that was important to me. I honestly don't even know who I was at that point.

I've been going through these weird up and down phases where I get totally motivated to do anything and everything, and then I crash and I don't give a shit about anything. IDK what my problem is. Maybe I need some type of medication or therapy haha who knows.

I'm actually good now though, I feel pretty stable. I'm very motivated to finish school, and I'm even thinking about taking some chemistry and physics classes and applying to med school after DCC. Which will be a huge challange since med school is pretty close to impossibble lol. But I'm thinking about it, we'll see how I feel a year from now.

blah blah, life.
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