The Niji Legacy 3.4 (cont.)

Jan 21, 2012 14:34

Maroon: Oh, dear god!  I just thought he was gonna punch you or something, not full-out bite you!  I am sooo sorry, Craig!

Craig: Nah, don't worry about it!  I'm kind of liking this change, actually.

Maroon: Whoa.  He smiled.

I know, right?

Maroon: Wow, you seem really...different.  Nothing like the asshat you were ten minutes ago.

Craig: I've changed, Maroon.  Will you forgive me for my, uh, asshattery?

Maroon: Of course!  So...wanna go somewhere and talk?

Hee, I sense the start of something new.  ;]

Count Mitch: And it's all thanks to me!

bolob's Ceil Vikerkaar: Aww, you must be such a nice person!  I really admire that in a man.

Count Mitch: Wanna come back to my place and admire it some more?  ;D

Hey, I thought you were gay!

Count Mitch: Oh, that was a lie.  I just thought she was kind of ugly.


Count Mitch: Hey, but it all worked out, right?

I suppose so...well, back to the main house we go!

Kathleen: There!  I've officially completed the third book in the "Fuck" series!

Great job, Kath!  What's it called?

Kathleen: Fuck Improperly Dressed Grandchildren.

Scarlet: Teehee, that's a silly name for a book, Grandma!  Why would you call it that?

Kathleen: Why indeed...

Scarlet: Ooh, I'm starting to feel a draft...  Would it kill somebody to shut the door?!

Chris: Wow.  *hangs up phone*

Those were the book people again, weren't they.

Chris: Yep.  -_-  Seriously, how does she keep selling this stuff?!

Akai: Hey, Grandma!  Look at me!  I'm not improperly dressed, am I?

Kathleen: No, you're just fine, sweetie.  ^_^  Pajamas are perfectly proper.

Akai: Yessss, I'm the favorite!

The next day the kids got their very first snow day!  =D  (I love the way the roof of their house looks when it's covered in snow...)

So what better time to send Akai and Scarlet off to college?

Akai: Aww, there was a snowday?!  You gypped us!  And I was just starting to be Grandma's favorite, too...

Yup, poor Akai still doesn't have an upper lip...

Akai: Don't change the subject!

...while Scarlet has become even more beautiful.  =O  She's even grown into the chin, too.

Anyway, they're in the same dorm as last time, because I really like the layout.  It's not mine, so you can find it here, because for some reason I forgot to credit it last generation.  =/

Here's Akai's makeover!  I think it's actually pretty cute.

And, of course, Scarlet is a knockout.

Akai: What about me?  Am I a knockout?  =D

No, you're cute.

Scarlet: Heh, that's code for, "You have no shot a being heir."

Quiet, you!

Scarlet: Come back for us soon, okay?

Akai: Yeah, I wanna get it on with Shenene as soon as possible.

And you're a Family sim how...?

Back at home, I guess Strawberry gave in and used some hemp shampoo to impress his boss, because he was finally promoted!

Strawberry: Nah, I was just more motivated now that Scarlet isn't around.

Brick: True that, man.  That shrill voice had been giving me chronic headaches.

Enough bashing on Scarlet, you two.  >=|

Brick: Okay, I'll play nice, man.

GAH!  Your hair!  What happened?!

Brick: Huh?  It's different?  Weird, man...

Oh, for the love of god, please tell me you didn't try to smoke it...

Phew, everything's okay.  Still, I have no idea what all that was about.

Brick: Maybe you're just hallucinating, man.

With the amount of time I spend near you, that is highly possible.

Aww, look!  Maroon and Kii are going on a little grandfather-granddaughter date!

Kii: Well, at my age I might not have much more time to do this, so I wanted to spend time with her at least once since she was too little to go on that godawful fishing trip.

Wow, that's actually kind of...poignant, Kii.

Kii: What's that mean?  Is it dirty?

Never mind.  -_-

I realized that I haven't used the photobooth all too often with this family, so I had them try it out.  I think the picture turned out totally adorable!

Kii: I know, isn't it cool?  I never knew you could take pictures in these things.  I thought they were just for boning people.

Kii.  Stop spoiling the moment.

Oh, he went and joined a dance contest, too, but Maroon wasn't so into that.  =[

Kii: That's okay.  I'm sure she'll find something more fun to do than dance with an old fart like me.  ^_^

Aww, Kii, you're not---

Kii: Besides, now that she's gone, I can practice the full ~sensuality~ of salsa dancing.  Oh, that reminds me!  Ma'am, when do we get to take off our clothes?

Noelle the dance hobby chick: Sir, I told you this last week and I'll tell you again: when hell freezes over.  I didn't work my ass off at Juilliard just so I could look at old man scrotum.

Kii: ...So once we warm up, then?

radiationpoison's Bruce Seely: Who let this guy in here, anyway?


Maroon: Hey, Craig, it's me.  We've been talking for awhile, and I was wondering if you wanted to take the next step and---

Go out with you?  Sex you up?  Be with you for eternity in immortal vampirical bliss?

Maroon: Shut up, I'm on the phone.  No, not you, Craig.  Simgod.  Yes, I know Simgod in person.  Look, do you wanna go on a date with me or not?

Ooh, I knew it!  I knew you guys were heading that way!  ;D

Maroon: Oh my god, I'm trying to talk to the guy I have a huge crush on here!  ...Oops, just pretend you didn't hear that, Craig.  Yeah, I'll see you soon.  *click*  Great, thanks a lot!  Now he knows!

Hee, I love interfering~  =P

Craig: ...Hey.

Maroon: Whoa, that was fast.

Craig: Duh, I'm a vampire now.  I'm the same speed as your average sports utility vehicle.

Maroon: Hmm.  ...You can let go of me now, y'know.

Craig: I will, but first--- what was that about you having a huge crush on me?  ;D

Maroon: It's Opposite Day.  Didn't you know?

Craig: I didn't know that, but I do know one thing.

Maroon: And what's that?

Craig: You have a huge crush on me.

Maroon: ...Screw you.  >=X  Now let go of me.

Craig: Uh uh, not yet.  You're so cute when you're pissed that now I kind of feel like biting you.  Can I bite you?

Maroon: Hell no.

Craig: Please?

Maroon: Don't make me come after you with a loaf of garlic bread.  There's an Italian restaurant right down the street, so don't think I won't.

Craig: *gulp*  Point taken.

Hee, it really is Opposite Day.  They pretend to hate each other because they love each other.  Kind of like Orenji and Chris, really.  Except that they really did hate each other.


Craig: Please?  Just one little nibble?  I'm so lonely without a clan...

Geez, why do all the town's vampires have such an obsession with forming clans?

Maroon: Y'know, if you keep pestering me like this you're never gonna get to kiss these full, plump Niji lips.  You don't want that, do you?

Craig: Psh, not tempting.  I can live with that.  Youre lips aren't that appealing, honestly.

Maroon: Oh, really?  We'll see about that.

Kii: *sigh*  Okay, kids, we're at the restaurant.  Pull yourselves off each other for two damn seconds.  Kids?

Maroon: So even when I rub my "unappealing" lips up and down your neck, you still don't want them?

Craig: *cough*  While this might be...nice, it's still nothing compared to my desire to bite the hell out of you.

Maroon: Hmmm, I guess we'll see about that, too.

Kii: For god's sake!  Hurry up and walk yourselves into the fucking restaurant so we can have a delightful fucking dinner!

Craig: Actually, since I'm a vampire, I can fly---

Kii: That's it, I'm eating by myself!

Wow, he's really pissed.

Kii: This was supposed to be OUR special date!

Okay, inviting Craig along probably wasn't the best idea ever.

Maroon: *nuzzle*  Like my lips?  *nuzzle*  Like my lips?

Craig: Fine!  I like them, okay?!

Kii: *grumble*  Should've never passed along my awesome lips to that ungrateful turd...


I guess Craig finally promised not to bite her.  XD

Craig: Little does she know that my fingers were crossed!  Ha!

You better not bite her.  I don't want a repeat of Sunset.

Game Fug: No, I don't wanna die!  There are still so many games I haven't played!  Auuuuugh!

It's just not a real night out in my game if nobody croaks.  It really isn't.

New Guy: What's that awful screaming?

Suzie the waitress (who also is wearing new hair defaults!): Oh, somebody probably just died by flies again.  She must be here...

New Guy: Wait, what?!  People die in here?!  And who's she?

Suzie the waitress: None of us exactly's probably better that way.  Just ignore the wails of anguish and keep cookin' that soup, alright?

New Guy: is this place still even open if everyone drops dead when they come here?

Suzie the waitress: Honestly, I have no idea.  We have a horrendous health record here, what with the amount of carnivorous flies that come in to swallow people up and all.  Sometimes I feel like we're all better off not questioning these things...Like how I got that chick pregnant...

New Guy: Huh?

Suzie the waitress: Oh, nothing.

Well, nobody really had much of an appetite after seeing how much flesh one fly could fit into its teeny little mouth, so the grandfather-granddaughter date ended prematurely.  I stuck the cute picture on the wall in the kitchen.  <3

So, Chris, it's about time for you to get started on your next LTW.  What do you wanna be again?

Chris: The mayor.

Uh huh...good luck with that.  (The poor unfortunate souls of whatever town you live in...)

Chris: Hey!  I'll do a great job, just you wait!  >=|

Well, I suppose the crime rate'll go down what with everyone afraid you'll kick their asses...

Chris: Damn straight.

But if Chris wants to have any shot at becoming the mayor before her hair turns gray, she's gotta hit the elixir!  Orenji too, because I really don't want these guys getting old yet.  =[

Maroon: WHOA.  DAD.  WHOA.

OMG, you caught the ball?! That's impossible!

Orenji: Heh, it must be the green juice talking.  First the dick-shaped buildings and now this?  Who knew I could get even more awesome?

Good luck on your first day of the twists and turns of politics, Chris!

Chris: Psh, twists and turns?  Don't worry, once I get there I'll whack everybody straight into line.

That's what I'm scared of.  -_-

Kathleen: What's that?  Fuck Adulterers is my best one yet?  Why thank you, I think so too.  You see, I based it off this scuzzy daughter-in-law of mine, Genesis...

As you can see, the "Fuck" series is still running strong with its addition of a fourth book.  She keeps banging these things out, I swear.

Non-cute delivery girl: Yeah, seriously.  Am I gonna have to drop off another one of these every day or what?

Strawberry: Hi, everybody!  I'm back from work!

Good lord, you too?!  Maybe that weird hair is just part of the work uniform...

But Maroon's started going to work with them and her hair is fine...huh.

Okay, so maybe I'm just saying this because I've completely fallen in love with her over the course of this update, but I think I'm starting to notice some differences between her and Orenji.  For one thing, her brow seems to be way more prominent and...angry.  Because really, I don't think there are any other sims who look like that while answering the phone.

Maroon: *death metal voice*  Hi, Craig, what's up?  Oh, you wanna go out tonight?  Sure thing, babe.  I'll see you at seven.  Toodles.

Strawberry: Uh...are you okay, Maroon?  D=  You sound like you might have a cold there.

Maroon: *death metal voice*  No, I'm perfectly fine.  Why, do I sound sick?

Strawberry: Uh...

Luckily her voice was better by the time she and Craig went to the karaoke bar or whatever that thing is.

Maroon: *groovin' out*

Craig: You'd think it would be better this way, but nope.  She actually REALLY sucks.  In fact, I think my super-strong vampire ears are starting to bleed a little bit...

Lol, really?

Maroon: My heeeeeaaarrrt will go onnnn...

Oh.  Ew.

Craig: See?

Well, for managing to endure that I thought Craig deserved a special reward.  Hopefully this will further discourage him from biting her.

Maroon: *mmph*  Craig?

Craig: *mmph*  Yeah?

Maroon: *mmph*  I can see those fangs of yours.  You better not be planning on biting my nose.

Craig: Crap, you caught me!

*sigh*  Guess it didn't work.  Maroon, you better show him what's what.

Maroon: On it!  *grabbie*

Craig: OW!  What the hell was that for?!

Maroon: Just think about it, Craig.  If you ever bite me, this is what's gonna happen to your balls.  >=D

Craig: O_O  I'll be good.

There!  Problem solved!  Well, those two have gotten enough attention.  Let's check in again on Strawberry and his lady friend Vivian.

As you can see, things are definitely progressing.  ;D  I'm actually surprised things are going so fast, though.  Seriously, Vivian, I thought you'd be more resistent to the whole underage relationship thing considering you're a cop and all.

Vivian the stylish cop: Why'd you make me disgrace the badge, Strawberry?!  Why?!

Never mind, I spoke too soon.

Strawberry: Great, there she goes again...this happens every two hours or so.  -_-

Look at the bright side.  At least she isn't acting like your mom like she said she would, right?

Strawberry: Wow, you really haven't been paying attention to us lately, have you?

Vivian the stylish cop: Strawberry!  Look at me when I'm talking to you!  And get a damn haircut already!  You're starting to look like a lesbian!

Does this happen a lot?  o_o

Strawberry: *sigh*  Yup.  Ain't she a doll?

Vivian the stylish cop: Ooh, look!  A bowling alley!  Let's go bowling!  And don't worry, I'll make sure to get bumpers for you, honey...

Strawberry: For the last time, I know how to bowl!  I've gotten tons of practice!

~ten minutes later~

Strawberry: FUCK!  This game is too damn hard!  I quit!

Vivian the stylish cop: I told you, you can't just expect this to be exactly like Wii bowling.  Real life's harder, Strawberry.

Strawberry: Fuck real life!  Real life simulators for the PC are much better!  We're going home, Viv!

Vivian the stylish cop: Are you kidding me?!  We just got here!  I disgraced the badge for you, and you're not---

Strawberry: Ugh, fine.  We'll stay.

Vivian the stylish cop: Good.  Now go sit in that booth over there until you can promise me that you're not gonna throw another temper tantrum.

Strawberry: *grumble*  She makes me feel like I'm a freaking toddler...  Ooh, what's this?  An old bat trying to bowl?  =D  Sweet!  That means I'm not the worst one here!

Crumplebottom: Young man, you shouldn't write me off that quickly.  I might have some hidden talent up my sleeve.

Strawberry: Psh, you're all talk!  Let's see what you can do!

Crumplebottom: Don't say I didn't warn you.

Strawberry: Shit.

Crumplebottom: HA!  I so kicked your ass!

Strawberry: Shut up, poop-face.

Vivian the stylish cop: No potty words!

Strawberry: ...Sorry.  >.<

Crumplebottom: She's got you whipped, boy.

Yeah, seriously.  Maybe it's time to move on from this creepy relationship.  How about this cute chick?  She's actually your age and most likely won't treat you like her kid.

Strawberry: What?!  No way!  Vivian may keep me on a short leash, but she's still my knight in shining armor!

Strawberry: See?

Vivian the stylish cop: It's past your bedtime.  I better carry you home.

Eww, this is way too messed up.  I better put a stop to this before---


CRAP.  Well, breaking these two up is gonna be hard.

Guess we'll have to see how this works out next update!  See you guys next time! 

sims 2 legacy, niji, 3rd generation, continuation

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