Mar 09, 2007 11:34
Thinking thoughts fly fleetingly fast
Words write so unthinkingly slow
Edit back go look no dont
So far from where I started thinking I was going
To punctuate or not to punctuate,,,
that is but one of the questions
There are much much bigger ones
So why even bother
We can be this far
this far along the evolutionary ladder
and not even be able to see the same incontestable truths
I sit in the only bar
railing against the sale
of the towns loveliest public building
for one dollar
to some rich doctor
who will parlay it into millions
I talk to Drew I like Drew
he thinks about things and still sees the good in life and people
He tells me he and Holly are pregnant
and I make the mandatory congratulatory noises
Only later do I speculate about breeding
about how I have known since childhood
that the world is grossly overpopulated
with people
that all our problems stem from and are exacerbated by there being simply
too many of us
Yet Drew clearly knows another truth
He is probably as sure of it
as I am of mine
Why am I afraid to ask him about his truth
Why am I afraid to challenge him on it
I am convinced that to have a child
is to drive another nail into the global coffin
Yet admirable people all around me continue to breed
And its such a sacred cow issue
that we dont dare discuss it.
The greater toronto area is going to double in population
in the next twenty years
we are told as if it is inevitable
and all we can do is try to prepare for it
Build more roads Build more buses Build more
giant houses cheek by jowl
accessible only by car
While already commuters idly fume
hours away of their lives
dispensing filth to take hours away
of their childrens lives
What is worth doing?
Art is but more product
when all is said and done
Once I delighted in melting glass in my kiln
into beautiful forms
I drove out into the countryside
to take adequate pictures of beautiful sites
I no longer believe these creations
are a worthwhile trade-off for the energy and materials
squandered in their production
There is little I can do any more
that doesnt carry with it
paralyzing guilt
in these days of global warning.
I go into Beth's arte shoppe
and I am astonished at the the skills of my neighbours
and at the sheer volume of product that we artists produce
for the sake of decorating walls
Is my contribution necessary
Is it relevant