
Jun 28, 2003 10:42

Thanks to kitsune13's absolutely sweet gift, I was finally able to pathetically beg ask eva_c to make me one of her drop-dead gorgeous styles.

And did she.


Fight Club. Quotes. Image splices. Prepare to be envious of me ;)

I <3 eva_c. If you want to see more proof of her skills with LJ layouts, why don't you have a look at cedar's and blackfall's? You are an absolute genius, Eva. I am your willing slave.

As if that wasn't enough loveliness for the day, malecrit wrote brilliant Tomfic dedicated to yours truly and commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of DNA. I think many of you would enjoy it.

Speaking of which, I'm glad my rec of tomcanty's work went down well. I know you people so well! *laughs*
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