Title: Drowning in the Summer Characters/Pairing: Sho/Nino Word Count: 1958 Rating: NC-17 Summary: Written for the prompt: Sho is the popular, kind sempai and Nino is the school rebel and Sho's junior. Yet somehow these two have an attraction for each other at the je_summer meme.
Title: M is for Masturbation (among other things) Characters/Pairing: Ohno/Nino Rating: NC-17 Summary: A very delayed response to this smut!meme prompt: "The famous M pose in VS Arashi. Ohno gets turned on when Nino's doing it." Basically, gratuitous sex. :D
Prompt: Ambidextrous Nino Rating: NC-17 Notes: I wrote this for some kinkmeme ages ago and never reposted it anywhere. Found it crawling through my IMMENSELY LARGE file where I write everything which, by now, seriously resembles a word jungle. Uh. Enjoy this completely shameless PWP? Why is this the first thing I actually post in this community? XD
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Liminality + interlude Aiba/Jun, Ohno/Nino, Aiba/Arashi. NC-17. 11017. August 31, 2009. When a simple interview question makes Jun wonder about the meaning of happiness, he realizes that Arashi isn't as happy as he had thought.
Confluence Aiba/Jun. NC-17. 3102. May 01, 2009. It's become kind of a given (a funny Arashi inside joke) that no matter where you go in your private time, there's a good chance of Aiba being there.
Advantage Ohno/Nino. NC-17. 1639. April 23, 2009. ...and anyway his thoughts derail completely when Nino sneezes, small hands flying up to cover his mouth. Cute, he thinks, too cute.