Sep 13, 2004 20:15
tuesday...part 1: of the pink thong incedent Ahhhh. for those of you that dont know what that was ask me and i might tell ya.
thursday.... volleyball game at CFHS!
friday... attempted to go to the movies to mee t up with kraig.
saturday....dyed my hair, hung out with sarah.L., went dress-shopping, skating with the sarahs', will, and trent. and finally Part 2 of the pink thoung incedent.
sunday... played manhunt with tara brittini jeremaih and dustin.. got asked out by dustin(ask about the whole story if u dont already know)for the 3rd year in a row.
monday... matt wants to kill stosh(ask if u wanna kno). umm , i think that might be it.