Footsteps in the Desert: Chapter 1

Oct 18, 2009 15:16

Title: Footsteps in the Desert: Chapter 1
Author: Poetics124
Rating: R
Pairing: Spock, later S/U
Summary: Spock's journey from a confused young adult to a Federation hero was a long one. 
Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Paramount


The Jellyfish moved unlike any other ship he had ever controlled. Its motions were faster and its evasive capabilities smoother than most of the stimulations and shuttles he had trained in both on Vulcan and in Starfleet. It was a good ship and even though it was illogical to think it, he felt as if it were made just for him.

The Narada was monstrous before him, its arms reaching to embrace him in his grip. No matter how good the Jellyfish was, it was no match for this craft of death. Spock took in a deep breath and set in his target on the computer mainframe.

It would not be the first time Spock would confront death.


“Sarek, he cannot do this.”

Spock crouched by the doorway, becoming still as he heard his parents move slightly towards him. The movements stilled and Spock braced the hard rock wall.

“He must do this, Amanda. He is of age.”

“I…I can’t let him do this. I can’t let my son…”

“I went through it when I was a child. It is logical for my son to learn how to fend for himself.”

“You were the one who said he couldn’t go and play in the mountains! You were the one who punished him when he would not answer your calls! Now you want him to survive out there alone!”

“Amanda, we have discussed this numerous times. You are being illogical.”

“I’m not being illogical. He is a boy. He’s part human. He’s seven years old and you want to put him out there in the wild for ten days without food, water, or any weapons to protect himself?”

Spock heard them shift farther into the common area, his hands sweaty and his hard hammering in his side.

“It is the Kahs-wan, Amanda. Vulcan children have endured it for centuries. Sybok has endured it and it has strengthened him in Surak’s teachings. Spock must do the same. It is his birthright. I can no more deny this than I can deny my people.”

“You mean the way they have denied you and your sons?” Amanda cried. “The way they have treated you, Sarek?   He’s tainted to them. You may think that Surak’s teaching protects him from it but it doesn’t. I can see the anger in him. I can see his sadness.”

“Those emotions will leave him in time.”

“Those emotions will never leave him. He’s an outcast here.   He could not even become betrothed because of the tensions between Vulcan and Earth.”

Spock felt himself leaning more heavily against the wall. His mother was sad. He didn’t like it when she was sad or worried about him. Even though his father said it was illogical to feel such things he could not help it. She was his mother. He had to protect her because sometimes it felt as if no one would.

“The tensions shall settle Amanda. It is more logical for Vulcan to stay a part of the Federation than to leave it. And Spock shall adjust.   He will face the Kahs-wan next month.”

“I want you to be honest Sarek. How many Vulcan boys die in Vulcan’s Forge for this ritual?”

“10.9% . Those odds are favorable to my son and even if he fails he will be able to endure it again.”

“10.9% is too much for me.” Amanda responded. “1% would be too much danger to put my son through.”

“Spock’s human nature will not deter him from his path. I will admit that Spock may have some difficulty in Vulcan’s Forge compared to other Vulcan children. He may be defeated by the elements. But eventually he will achieve his goal.”

Spock stood at that moment and went to the stairs. Once again his father placed him below other Vulcan children. Once again he was seen as deficient, even in his own household.   He would prove himself. He would show his father. He would show everyone on Vulcan that he could endure.


“I-Chaya, go home. You will impede my progress.” Spock nudged the rather large sehlat away from himself. I-Chaya merely nuzzled his nose against Spock’s hand. Spock stood still and gave a small sigh.

“If I must make it through Vulcan’s Forge it may not be an abdication of the rules for me to bring my pet if he does not wish to leave me. Come, I-Chaya, we must not delay.”

Spock had snuck out during the dead of night when his family was asleep. His small brown cloak protected him from the harsh winds but it was the only thing that he had for protection. He kept his hood over his head and made his way through the first part of his journey through Vulcan’s Forge.

I am walking on the path of Surak, Spock contemplated, his eyes sweeping the desert. Through his father’s many tales and songs he had heard of Surak walk against the trail of blood on to his way to enlightenment. He imagined the desert floor green with the blood of war hungry Vulcans and Surak’s presence washing it away with logic.

The wind blew against him and he heard I-Chaya grunt with dissatisfaction behind him. Spock thought for a moment that maybe the sehlat was too old for this journey with him and that he might slow him down. He had had him since birth and his father owned the sehlet since he was a merely a cub. I-Chaya was loyal, but he was not as fast as he once was. Spock was debated on telling him to go back home again when he heard a small hiss in the distance.

I-Chaya growled and Spock tensed, his whole body becoming still. The hissing continued until it became a loud growl.

A le’matya, Spock thought. He looked ahead to the rocky ridges and hills but he could not spot it. His senses told him the deadly animal had to be somewhere nearby but he could not figure the direction due to the echoes of the Forge.

I-Chaya growled his displeasure and placed himself in front of Spock to protect him. Spock held back a small shiver and tried to keep his mind calm.

“It is illogical to be fearful. It is illogical to be fearful. It is illogical to be fearful.” He whispered to himself. The growling in the distance became a full fledge roar. I-Chaya roared as well, running forward to protect his charge. The le’matya leaped from a rocky ledge, its green vemomous fangs dripping with poison. Spock froze in fear as it attacked his pet.

“I-Chaya!” Spock yelled as his pet was bitten. I-Chaya let out a yelp but continued to swipe and scrape at the le’matya.

I must not let emotion control me. Spock thought to himself with a sudden clarity. It was this small thought that saved his life. He eased his panic and slowly searched for something that could help him. A small sharp rock came into his vision and he quickly ran to retrieve it.

Logically, he calculated the altitude and velocity he would need to defeat the monstrous beast. He moved swiftly up a small hill and focused on the le’matya.

Le’matya’s are sensitive on the back of their heads. Spock raised his arms and held the heavy rock with both hands. As the Le’matya bit into I-Chaya’s neck Spock threw the rock onto its head with all his might.



Spock did not look up from where his eyes kept him. Sybok’s motions were smooth and fast, his hood bobbing up and down across his forehead. Sybok paused as he saw the carnage in front of him.

“Spock, have you received injury?”

“I am fine, my brother. I-Chaya is dead.”

I-Chaya lay underneath the dead le’matya, his tongue protruding from his mouth. Spock had sat beside the scene contemplating.

“I-Chaya protected me. This was illogical as I have no means to give him food or water nor have I ever given him affection. His logical drive would have been to run for safety.”

“I-Chaya is an animal. Logic does not apply to him, Spock.”

Spock stared at I-Chaya again. “I was logical and survived. He was not and he has died.”

“Come Spock. Your mother and father request you.”

Spock stood up and dusted himself off. He then ran off with his brother.



He felt her grasp him harder than she had ever grasped him before. It almost took the air from his lungs. He could hear her cries and feel her tears on his neck. He wished for her not to worry.

“Mother, I am fine.”

“Don’t you ever do that again! Do you understand me?”

“This is quite illogical mother.”

She pulled away from him and looked him in the eye. “I don’t care if it’s illogical or not. You are my son and I love you.”

It was the first time that Spock did not feel anything at her sentiment.

fan: fan fiction, .rated r

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