As in the Heavens: Chapters 9-10

Aug 14, 2009 15:08

Title: As in the Heavens: Chapter 9-10
Author: Poetics124
Rating: PG:13
Pairing:  Spock/Uhura, Spock Prime
Summary:  She could not hold him any longer. *The third story in the Primal Universe*
Disclaimer:  Star Trek belongs to Paramount

Chapter 9

“Okay, start from the beginning.”

They all were quiet for a moment, Sarek, Sybok, and Bones standing quietly, Spock Prime sitting beside Nyota, and Kirk on a small blue chair in Nyota’s living quarters. Kirk, Bones, and Sybok had been summoned for both information and approval of what Spock Prime planned to do.

“Lt. Uhura has mental bond with Spock that allows them, in some ways, to share thoughts, even over long distances.”

Jim looked at Nyota and she could see that he was not pleased with this information. She knew automatically that he did not approve of the fact that this information was not shared with him or Starfleet at all. That he didn’t know of something on his ship that was pertinent and important on an official basis between his communications officer and first officer. She knew that both she and Spock would hear more from him after this was over. That was if Spock came back at all.

“And when did bond happen? I knew of their relationship but this…I…”

“It is usually something that is not shared, Captain Kirk.” Sarek interjected. “Vulcans value privacy and my son is no different. A mating bond is extremely personal and between the two people who share it.”

“Sounds pretty permanent.” Kirk said gazing at Uhura in wonderment.

“It is. It is the equivalent of a human marriage.” Spock Prime answered.

“Whoa! Spock and Uhura are married?” Bones nearly shouted.

“In technical terms, yes.”

“Well you could knock me over with a goddamn feather.”

“Hello!” Uhura burst through. “I’m sitting right here. You don’t have to talk over me.”

“Lt…I don’t know what to say.” Kirk admitted.

“Captain, the circumstances of…of what happened between me and Spock were a matter of life and death. So while, yes, we are married in the Vulcan sense we did not treat our relationship that way.”

“Did you try to nullify the bond?” Sarek asked. Both Sybok and Uhura looked at him. The memory of Spock telling her of Sarek’s own nullified bond echoed in her mind and she felt a certain sympathy.

“No. The memories and his thoughts kept interfering with my studies and my work. He merely dimmed them so I could function.”

“The bond did not seemed dulled on the shuttle, Lt.” Sybok spoke for the first time since entering the room.

“It….it flickered out.” Uhura said, her voice in pain. “I…I don’t know what happened.”

“He’s not dead, Nyota.” Spock Prime confessed and took her hand in his. “He is still among the living.”

“Then what is wrong? Why can’t I feel him?”

“It maybe because of this being. I could feel Spock’s katra in Humar’s mind. It may be trapped by the same mind that has trapped Humar.”

“Which brings us to our proposal, Captain.” Sarek interjected. “We believe it is possible contact Spock and help him escape Romulus.”


“By using Lt. Uhura as a conduit into his mind.” Spock Prime answered plainly.



If one observed Sirinvok, one would believe he was calmly putting together a Romulan puzzle. He placed another white ball in the center of clear box and watched it enter to one point of the box or another depended where the let the ball land. His white irises were trained on the box as if there were nothing else in the world. He placed another white ball inside and let it roll to the left side.

It was a simple game, but to Sirinvok, it was a key to his own abilities.

He imaged being the box containing knowledge and other minds inside. At the moment he could only trap and deceive the balls in the box. Making the balls do anything took too much strength from his frail body. They were all contained in him.

He push a button on the side of the box and the white balls flew out of the box and floated all over the room, making it seem as if the box was growing legs.

Sirinvok let go of the box and let it float in the air as he looked at the pattern. The minds floated and drifted, alone, but still by the power of the box. But they were not straight and they were confused. The was the end of his ability. The end of his usefulness.


Sirinvok brought out a black box and activated it. The white balls came closer to the black box and followed it. Sirinvok let the black box float and went to the clear box, deactivating it. The clear box dropped and shattered on the floor. The white balls did not miss it and stayed floating around the black box, straight, controlled. Sirinvok held the box and moved it. In his other experiments with the puzzle, the balls, at that moment, would fall to the floor. But this time the white balls stayed with the black box.

Sirinvok tipped his head and gave a small smirk. He now knew what to do. Now all that he needed was to convince his own strong black box to help him get his revenge.

He was sure he could convince Spock of the wisdom of his plan. And then they would both escape from here. One mind,and most importantly, one body.

Chapter 10

Spock was running. He felt he had been running for most of his life. From his emotions. From his humanity. From his dual nature. But now he was running to save her. To save one of the few things in his life that made sense. That belonged.

He could hear her screams and speed up his pace. He felt Kirk beside him, running as fast as he was. They cleared the forest and saw the flames of the temple ahead. Spock reached for his phaser and fired at the first armed guard he saw. The man crumpled on the stairs leading to the top of the temple, stunned, but not dead. Spock continued running, his heart pounding his side like a drum. Nyota screamed again.

“Lilipa! Sutanka!” He heard someone yell as he launched himself up the stairs in the moonlit night. He could see the fire. He could see the naked man over his Nyota, knife in hand. They were going to kill her. He could not allow it.


“Lt. Uhura. I will meld with you now. I will know your memories and you shall know mine.”

“Ambassador….I’m not…”

“It must be like the mating bond if I am able to get access to Commander Spock’s memories and mind. Since I am closest to his mind, it is easy to have the full bond instead of partial. I know this may discomfort you but it may be necessary in order to save his life.”

Nyota looked at McCoy who was monitoring her heartbeat and he gave her an encouraging nod. There was no one in her bedroom other than Spock Prime and Bones, the others wanting to give them the privacy they might need in order to do this correctly. Nyota took a deep breath, her head relaxing on her pillow, and Spock Prime leaned over her.

“My mind to your mind…..”


He felt as if he were moving too slow. As if he were climbing the same steps over and over again. He felt stuck. Unable to move. Unable to help her. To save her. He pushed further. He had to save her. She was his home. The only home he had left.


Nyota watched as Spock caressed her own face, Spock over top of her, both naked under the sheets. He had done that many times to her but this time….his hands seemed older. As did his face. Her own face was older…wiser. She gazed at her surroundings and knew that this was not a place she had ever been. The room seemed as if it was built by hand as if it were an older style ranch house.

She and Spock had never been here, whereever this place was. This was not her memory.

She turned her head to look at the much older Spock Prime gazing at the bed in which the two lovers were still engaged in their embrace with a certain wistfulness.

“Spock…you have to promise….”

“Uhura, I promise. This will always be between you and I.”

“This wasn’t a mistake, Spock. I don’t regret it.”

“I cherish our friendship, Nyota. You are one of the dearest friends that I have left.”

The woman on the bed wrapped her arms around his neck and let him bring his face to her chest and they laid quietly. Nyota turned to Spock Prime once again.

“So you were lovers in your universe as well?”

“We were not lovers. We were friends. Dearest of friends.”

“Friends usually don’t do what you are doing, Ambassador.”

“It is hard to…I cannot explain it.” Spock Prime gazed once again on the couple, now sleeping on the bed. “This was the only time. The only time I allowed myself to have her. That I let myself be fully human to her. After Kirk died I…felt I had nothing. She helped me remember that there were still many things in the universe that were beautiful enough to see.”

Nyota could sense the longing in his statement and took his hand. He gazed at her with a small amount of regret.

“Ambassador…you have not broken your promise. You have only shown me that you cared deeply for her. And if I can speak for another Nyota Uhura, she appreciates it.”

Spock Prime gave a nod. “We must continue.”


He was still running in place. Spock felt a frustration build in him but also a determination. He would not allow them to hurt her. He would die before that happened.


She didn’t want to be here again. She could feel the coldness of the air. She could feel their hands all over her.

“No!” She shouted into the night air. “No! Not this memory!”

“Lt. Uhura. Please, I am here with you. You are okay.”

“Ambassador!” She felt the steel blade caress the skin between her breasts. She squeezed her eyes closed. She didn’t want to be on this planet. She didn’t want to be stuck on this stone slab, naked. She didn’t want these strange hands on her. Didn’t want to feel others nakedness in her hands and on her body.

“Lt. Uhura this memory is an access point. I can feel Commander Spock’s mental presence here.”

She remember the emotions that were not her own. Fear, anger, love. That is how she survived this without losing her mind. She could feel Spock with her. Knew that he was coming to get her.

“Nyota!” She heard his yell and knew that she was going to be rescued. She turned her head to the side to see her Spock racing up the stairs.


Spock had finally reached her and threw down a primitive guard to the ground. He heard Kirk fighting behind him. He ran to her about to fire his phaser at the man who had a descending knife to Nyota’s chest.


Nyota could feel the heat of the phaser fire above her and heard the head chieftain fall and the knife clatter to the rock. Spock reached her and tenderly removed the chains that held her to the slab of rock.

“Nyota. Nyota.”

“I’m here Spock. I’m not going anywhere.”

He gave her the strongest embrace he had ever given her.


The phaser refused to go off. The knife descended and pierced Nyota’s heart and she let out a small gasp. Spock could not believe his sight. He had failed her. He had failed his Nyota when he always promised to protect her. He had failed his promise as a Vulcan to his mate.

“Nyota!” He did not know where the scream had come from nor did he recognize it as his voice. All he knew was that she had been stabbed.

Phaser fire came from behind him and hit the chieftain. Spock sprinted to Nyota, gently removing the chains that bound her.

“Spock.” Nyota said, her mouth filling with blood.

“We will get you back to the Enterprise…Nyota…Nyota?”

“She’s gone Spock.”

Spock shook his head in denial. She could not be gone. She could not be gone. Blood seeped through his uniform.

He could not save her. Like he could not save his planet. Like he could not save his mother. She was the only home he had left. And now she was gone too.



Sirinvok removed his fingers from Spock’s face. He had primed Spock for his plans. If he could not physically kill this Nyota Uhura, then he could mentally kill her in Spock’s mind. Then Spock would be for any revenge Sirinvok put forth.

And then they could both escape.

fan: fan fiction

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