Review: The Admonishments of Kherishdar by M. C. A. Hogarth

Sep 04, 2011 18:36

I would highly recommend this chapbook to anyone.  It is by M. C. A. Hogarth akahaikujaguar and if you'd like to learn more about the book or read it for free online, you can visit its Web site here:

To learn more about the author, you can visit her main Web site here or her LiveJournal account here.  Personally, I would recommend any of her writing to anyone, since she writes amazing stories -- simple, yet intricately woven. :)  The first book in this series is called The Aphorisms of Kherishdar which is the prequel to Admonishments. You can find more information about Aphorisms and read it online here:

Review from GoodReads:

"Although you could easily read through this chapbook in one night, it is
best read a chapter at a time since it gives you much food for thought.
I found myself reading through each chapter several times, as it
described a "sin" committed in Kherishdar society by an Ai-Naidari and
then his or her Correction by Shame. Reading through Admonishments more
slowly gave me thinking time for each word defined, the chapter's
possible meanings and lessons I could take from it, as well as time for
reflection upon finishing it. It contains within it a set of 25 stories
for 25 different characters and even though the chapters are really
short, they carry a profound meaning that stays with you. Simple, yet
intricately woven, I give it five stars for the amazing impact it leaves
with the reader! :) I would recommend Admonishments to anyone."

reflection, goodreads, books, reading, reviews, haikujaguar, rating, book reviews

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