Keep your heart awake

Apr 05, 2011 21:22

Originally posted by dervishspin at Keep your heart awake
There are many whose eyes are awake
And whose hearts are asleep;
Yet what can be seen
By mere creatures of water and clay?
But he who keeps his heart awake
Will know and live this mystery;
While the eyes of his head may sleep
His heart will open hundreds of eyes.
If your heart isn't yet illumined
Be awake always, be a seeker of the heart,
Be at war continually with your carnal soul.
But if your heart is already awakened,
Sleep peacefully, sleep in the arms of Love,
For your spiritual eye is not absent
From the seven heavens and seven directions.

- - - - - - - - -
From the Mathnawi
Translation by Andrew Harvey
Another beautiful poem by Rumi that I wanted to share with you. :) This was originally posted in the dailyrumi community. <3

rumi, poetry

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