Holiday Wishes Community: Where the Spirit of Giving is Truly Inspiring :)

Dec 09, 2010 12:32

I recently joined a community called holiday_wishes and I must say I love being a member! :) Basically, you post your holiday wish list (your top 10 things that  you want for Christmas gifts) and people respond! :) So far, there are three people who are going to send me something in the mail. It's very exciting indeed. I am very thankful I came across this community because I have made new friends and have been very inspired by some wish lists. One in particular that stands out to me is this post:

I felt really drawn to this entry because one of the things she requests is for us to answer the following question:

10. Tell me how wonderful your year was. Tell me anything wonderful. Tell me the most amazing thing that happened to you this year, someone who inspired you, something you saw that was beautiful, something that you felt changed you inside.

So, my challenge to you is not only to answer these questions, but to fulfill at least one person's wish this year. :) Also, not all of the wish lists require you to spend any money.

If you're curious about my entry, you can view it here:

The spirit of giving is truly wonderful in this community, so if you're looking for a neat way to spread the holiday cheer, I'd recommend joining this one. :) I think it's very inspiring to know that there are plenty of strangers out there who are more than willing to buy you gifts. <3

Happy Holidays everyone! :)

recommendation, holidays, christmas, christmas wish list, holiday_wishes community

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