Kicking Back

Oct 14, 2007 21:13

I had yet another awesome and relaxing weekend...definitely something you need after five days of college.  I went to a Loreena McKennit concert Friday night and loved it!  She seems like a pretty interesting and very enlightened person.  She told us about her travels around the world and how it gave her inspiration for her music.  So beautiful!  It was almost a nostalgic performance. I have been listening to her music since I was very young.  ^_^

I received several letters and presents also.  This was definitely the highlight of my weekend just second to the concert.  I spent time with my fiance and my immediate family.  It's a nice way to unwind after a busy week.  The rest of the weekend was spent chilling out and watching anime or reading ideal relaxation time, besides hanging out with friends.  ^_^ 

relaxation, concert, friends

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