My love look at what youve done to me. For someone who has felt so strong.

Aug 11, 2004 20:50

=] Im so happy! Today was so great. Andrew came from Providence to see me!!! I was so happy to see him. It was an hr n half train ride, it was so sweet of him to kome. So Michelle n I caught the 350 to Alewife n met up with him. Then we came back here n hungout with Alicia n Michelle. n then they left n we just "hung out" . When I went to Waterville, I never thought Id meet anybody. And it was weird because it was our last night there and thats when I met him. Thank God I didnt decide to stay in for the night.My moms gona let me go see him next week. And she even said some weekends he can just stay over. So its not like the long distance thing is a big deal. =]=] Im so exhausted. Ive had no sleep whatsoever, my eyes are burning like fire. Last night I got in a fight with Megan, it was terrible. She was so mad at me and  I didnt jknow what to say. It was so upsetting, I was just sitting there not knowing what to say. I obviuouslly care about her, and shes always gona be a good freiend of mine. Shes helped me through so much stuff, and Imn so greateful. I just wish I could repay her, do something good. We went to bed on a bad note, but  early in  the morning I woke up n ran downstairs hoping she would be on, n I IMed her n explained. And now we'ree good again. Thank God. Ive lost so many people, I truly dont wana lose her. So Im gona go talk to Alicia the greatest. Hey if anyone is going to Warped Tour, please take me!!!

Here, here I am again
And I'm starin at these same four walls
Alone again
And now, all the colors blend
And I'm growing numb
And I've become this empty page
Hold on, its tragic
Stumbling through all this static

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