Bye Bye Beautiful, dont bother to write*

Jul 20, 2004 21:19

Hey. Lately things have been crazy and hectic. Yesterday I went to school and Maryanne n Brandon picked me up. We went to Sq.1 and I bought 2 shirts of The Used at Hot Topic. ONe of them says "Bert is my homeboy" and it has a pic of Bert. I <3 it. Then Alicia n I went for a 4 mile run, we're doing it every day from now on. And then we watched movies n ate. Then I went to Newbies, Barnes n Nobles, and Old Navy with Brandon. I had to buy Alicias present, her bdays tomorrow.!! So then I talked to... Nick! for a long time. It was awesome, I deffinatly miss him, I really do. Hes a good kid. So I guess here is where I talk about today. oh wow. Well uhemm. I went to school and Jason decided to drive me home in his camero. So we go to his empty house and just hung out for a few hours. And then we go to my empty house. And then shit happened. I dont think u need details=]. Hes really cute but... um well hes sort of.. well, preppy. Yah I kno, not my type of all! But he listens to great music n plays geeetar n drumms. Tomorrows gona be weird in school, I can just tell. So then Leesh n I went for our run, and then she invited all the boys over n we all just hung out n went swimming. N now Im here, about to go to the movies. So GoodNighT*
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