Sep 05, 2007 21:15
Today sucked..First full day. Blah.
I went out to lunch for the first time..legally! I went with Juliane, Christine, Kevin and J. Peltz. We went to subway.. Anything is better than school food. Hopefully Jcuh will be in my lunch soon. I guess Andy is in my lunch as well?Exciting.
I hate almost all my classes except Newspaper and Bio 3.
The rest suck and make me want to kill myself.
No joke.
I hate not knowing anyone in my classes.
I hate having Mrs.Cardenas for english. I miss Mr.French!
I really like my nose piercing though. It makes me happy! =] And everyone else loves it and thinks it is cute too! and now I can get a new piercing whenever I feel like getting one. I love it. I think the next one I'm going to get will be on my ear. Maybe my tragus again.
I've been super emo lately. I think I'm driving Jessica and Courtney insane. Hopefully they understand. A lot of things have been bothering me. I have been listening to Eminem-Kim almost daily. It makes me feel better. It is the scariest song but idk. It is a great pissed off, fuck you song. I'm insane. But I don't give a fuck anymore! =]
Oh boy. haha I have new interest! I'm not sure yet but he is cute, nice, honest, hilarious, and actually sweet. Moving on, I hope goes well. :D
I'm leaving everything else in the past. Whatever. I'm done with it. I wasted a lot of time on something that wasn't worth it.
I'm looking forward to the Dashboard concert next Friday. St.Annes fair is also next week. That is always fun haha. Also I was talking with Jessica,Kyle, and Courtney and hopefully a bunch of people can go to Cedar Point in like October. That would be a lot of fun!
New Car=tomorrow or friday! =]
this weekend should be fun. Homecoming Dress shopping for the 100th time, but with Jessica Peltz,Christine,Courtney and Jcuh.
My updates suck.
:D J.Bilunes smile.