18..and I like it!

Sep 04, 2007 20:28

Today was my 18th Birthday and the first day of school.
My classes...are alright.

1st hour- Personal Finance::ahhahaha joke. but sadly there is no one in the class with me. Miserable 20 weeks with Ms.Chibang bang. ahhahaa.

2nd Hour-Bio 3:: I'm so excited for this class...lots of labs and field trips. =]I have Lindee in it too. So it should be okay.

3rd hour-Chem 1::Eh. All 10th graders. So sad. I feel so old. But I have Mr.Callender so whatever. He is a fellow Tool fan so its all good.

4th hour-Newspaper- I'm actually excited. I have Juliane, Christine, Jessica Peltz and Brittany in that class. I'm business person too so it should be interesting and fun!

C lunch

5th hour-Psych-Eh. Troys in that class..and like no one else.but The class sounds fun so I'll be alright.

6th hour-English 12 CP-Blahh kill me. I hate almost all the people in this class except for Mary Eddy and Zach Barber..and of coarse I don't sit by either of them

After school I went to the bronx with Jessica and Courtney.
After that we went to my house. I decided that since I was 18, that I wanted to go get a piercing. We drove to Exclaibur and I got my nose pierced. 30 bucks. its cute and didn't hurt! My eyes watered but that was totally expected. I'm nervous how it will heal. But I really like it so far!

Then Christine, Kyle and Juliane came over. Christine went and got her nose pierced too.
Overall my birthday was decent. I looked at this car and hopefully soon, I'll be getting a new one.

Its a silver cavalier. but who knows. things change.

Eh. I don't want to go to school anymore. I want to be done so bad.
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