Fic: If You Want Me (Chlollie)

Aug 31, 2013 21:04

Author: Poetgirl925

Title: If You Want Me

Summary: Chloe steps outside her comfort zone while on an internship in Star City, California. Returning to Metropolis, she's determined to focus on her career while attempting to fix the mess her personal life is in. But just when things seem to be getting back to normal, Oliver Queen arrives in Metropolis and complicates everything.

Rating: R

Pairing: Chloe / Oliver

Fandom: Smallville

Warnings: Up to season 7, but canon sort of goes out the window with this one. Altered S7-S8

Disclaimer: Don’t own, just playing :)

Chapter 4

“Chloe, we’re going to be late.”

Chloe walked into the living room of the apartment she shared with her best friend Clark Kent. She was juggling her laptop bag and purse but dropped them on the sofa in order to slip her heels on. She turned her back to him. “Can you finish zipping me up?”

Clark accomplished the task quickly and picked up her bags as he glanced at his watch. “We may have to…”

“Clark, I am not super speeding to this press conference,” Chloe interrupted him. “Now that you’re blurring about town on a regular basis, it’s dangerous to do anything that might cause someone to connect the dots between you and Metropolis’ newest hero. We take the subway or cab it like every other young professional.”

Clark made a face as he opened the door and pushed up his glasses. “I hate the subway.”

“Noted,” she replied in amusement. “But surely Jor-El talked to you about this during your training.”

Clark had left Smallville after high school in order to train at the Fortress with the AI version of his late father. The official story had been that Clark had a scholarship to study at a university abroad. Chloe had been able to alter records at the university to enroll Clark and had even planted photos of Clark attending various events around campus. Meanwhile, Jor-El allowed him enough time to attend the bare minimum of classes and complete assignments while also completing his training.

Two years later and with the majority of his most intensive training completed, Clark returned to Metropolis and entered Metropolis University as a transfer student. He’d also joined the staff of the campus newspaper, and the following year he had finally qualified for an intern position at The Daily Planet alongside Chloe. Tired of dorm life, Chloe had suggested they find an apartment to rent together during their senior year. With a little assistance from the Kents and both Chloe’s dad and uncle, they’d been able to afford a reasonably nice, two bedroom walkup in a more residential neighborhood not far from campus.

Chloe finished buttoning up her coat and wound her scarf around her neck before reaching for her bags as they stepped outside. It was February, and the weather was freezing, though that never bothered Clark. He put on the winter garb like everyone else, but Chloe envied his natural ability to stay warm on cold, windy days.

Clark handed over her purse but held onto her laptop bag as they hurried the two blocks to the subway station and bounded down the stairs, joining all the other morning rush hour commuters scanning their metro cards and jostling their way to the train platforms. As was his habit, Clark shielded Chloe from the worst of the pushing and led her to a spot near the train doors. Having Clark around again was nice for many reasons, but she had to admit it was especially nice not to worry about excessive shoving and seeing over and around everyone who was taller than her.

Just before the doors closed, a figure bounded onto the train. “I didn’t think I was going to catch you guys!” The tall, pretty brunette crowded closer to them as the doors closed, cheeks pink from the cold, and her blue eyes sparkled as she looked at Clark.

Chloe felt Clark tense up beside her, and then he slipped his arm around her shoulders. “Hi Claire. How was your weekend?”

Claire smiled brightly at Clark, but it dimmed a little as she noted Chloe’s presence beside him. “It was great. My brother was in town, so I had a lot of family time. How was yours?”

“Good,” Chloe answered. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, she leaned into Clark and smiled up at him. “We finally got permission to do some remodeling, so we painted our living room and Clark’s dad helped him refinish and stain the kitchen counters. It’s a nice place, close to the subway and the downtown area, so we’d like to stay there after graduation.”

Claire’s smile now looked downright forced, though she made an obvious effort to hide her true feelings. “Oh, that’s so… great. You know, that you connected again after Clark being gone those couple of years. Lois said you’re even thinking about getting married.”

Chloe nearly choked at that. She was going to kill Lois, who was having far too much fun with their current awkward predicament.

“Well, when you know, you know,” Clark said, shifting his feet in what Chloe knew was a nervous habit.

The train rolled to a stop and Claire turned to get off. When they didn’t move, she glanced over her shoulder at them. “Aren’t you coming?”

“Press conference,” Chloe answered. “We’ll be in later.”

Claire nodded and waved before hurrying off.

Chloe waited until the doors closed before turning to Clark, crossing her arms, and raising a brow. “When you know, you know? Really, Clark?”

“Well what was I supposed to say?” he asked sheepishly. “And I can’t help it if your cousin expands the story whenever she feels like it.”

“Oh no - this is not Lois’ fault. She might have a bent sense of humor, but you’re the one who lied to begin with, and I was silly enough to go along with it because I thought it was temporary. But between you and Lois, we’re going to end up married with a dog and 2.2 kids,” she retorted, exasperated.

Claire Connelly was a fellow Met U student and intern at The Daily Planet. And from the moment she’d laid eyes on Clark, she’d been suffering from a crush so obvious that not even Clark at his most oblivious could ignore it. When she finally worked up the nerve to ask him out, he’d put her off by telling her that he was involved with Chloe. Since they’d recently moved in together and Chloe’s relationship with Jimmy was dead in the water, Clark’s story tracked.

Unfortunately, the story also spread, and now everyone except his parents and Chloe’s family believed it. Irony is a hell of a thing, Chloe thought as the train slowed again. Only a few years ago, she’d have given anything to be in a real relationship with Clark. But time and distance had cooled her schoolgirl feelings, not to mention a certain night in Star City. One thing she’d learned from her night with Oliver was that she wanted a relationship that was passionate and made her feel things she’d never felt before. That wasn’t the kind of relationship she’d had with Jimmy, and as much as she loved Clark, she knew now she’d never feel that way about him either.

As they stepped off the train and took the escalator, Chloe continued, “Look, Clark, I know you don’t want to hurt Claire’s feelings. But you’ve put both of us in a really weird situation. And maybe I don’t have time to date now with finals and graduation looming, but I hope to change that this summer or soon after that. Dating is going to be especially awkward if I have to ask my date to sneak around because I have a fake boyfriend.”

“I never meant for it to go this far,” Clark admitted. “It just kind of snowballed, and I still think Lois deserves some of the blame for that.”

“Maybe so, but we need to start figuring out how we’re going to deal with it. Because come graduation, you’re getting dumped,” Chloe said cheerfully, patting his arm as they exited the subway station. She looked at her watch before casting a longing look at her favorite coffee shop near the business district. “Do you think we have time?”

Clark didn’t have to ask what she wanted. “There’s a line, so I doubt it. But…” he drew her around the side of a building and disappeared, returning less than a minute later with a steaming cup which he held out to her.

Chloe accepted the cup and took a sip, smiling in delight. “Oh wow - where did you get this?”

“Rome. Still mad?” Clark guided her onto the sidewalk.

“You know what?” Chloe linked her arm with his and grinned at him. “Maybe I’ll marry you after all.”

The press conference was being held at Mercer International Holdings. Rumor had it that the CEO, Tess Mercer, planned to conduct the press conference in tandem with a representative from Queen Industries, likely Ron Harding, the V.P. who handled most of the business for the Metropolis branch. Ever since she’d met Oliver, Chloe couldn’t deny she got a queer, nervous feeling whenever she attended a press conference involving Oliver’s company. Thankfully, he rarely traveled to Metropolis.

Chloe and Clark joined other members of the press in the atrium that was often used for such meetings. Staff were busy stacking press packets that would be handed out at the end of the meeting, and they’d barely found a spot to squeeze into towards the back when Tess Mercer walked into the atrium followed by Oliver Queen.

Chloe jolted in surprise and would have dropped her coffee if Clark hadn’t steadied her and grabbed the cup.

“Are you okay?” he asked, concern evident in his features. “You look pale all of a sudden.”

“I’m fine,” she said hastily, swallowing hard as her heart continued to slam against her chest.

Clark leaned closer to her. “You’re not fine - I can hear your heartbeat, Chloe. What’s wrong?”

“I feel sick,” she finally said, not sure how else to explain her racing heart and suddenly clammy palms.

He started to lead her away from the crowd, but Chloe balked. If they broke away from the other reporters, there was a greater chance Oliver might see her. “No. Just…let’s just finish this and then leave, okay? I’m probably just shaky because I didn’t eat breakfast.”

Clark didn’t look like he was buying her excuse, but after a moment he turned his attention back to the front of the room. Tess Mercer was talking to Oliver, their heads bent together. Tall and elegant with her auburn hair pulled back into a French twist, Tess was one of the most influential businesswomen in the state and surrounding region. She was also an honest one, and she’d used her wealth and position to do a lot of good in the state of Kansas. Chloe had interviewed her once for the campus paper, and she respected the older woman.

Oliver looked exactly as she remembered him - tall and achingly handsome. Memories of her night with him in Star City came flooding back, and not just the ones of them in bed. He’d amused her and made her laugh, let loose and feel free for once. And he’d enjoyed his time with her just as much. She was somehow sure of that.

Tess Mercer spoke first. “Thank you for joining us. I’m sure everyone here knows the CEO of Queen Industries, Oliver Queen.”

Oliver stepped forward, joining her at the podium with a nod to the reporters.

Tess continued. “We’re keeping this brief today, but we do have a couple of important announcements. First, Mr. Queen and I are pleased to announce a merger between two of our media companies, Metro Broadcasting and Star Communications. As you know, Metro Broadcasting encompasses Metro One Live here in Metropolis as well as a few smaller news outlets in Kansas. The merger with Star Communications gives us a base from which to expand into print media.”

Chloe knew that Star Communications owned a handful of newspapers around the country, including The Star City Gazette. As far as she knew, Oliver had never involved himself much in that aspect of his business, preferring to spend his time on technology innovations that were a cornerstone of his company.

“Many of you may also have heard the rumors regarding the financial difficulties of Werner-Schuman Media Group,” Tess said, referring to the company that owned The Daily Planet. “As of last month, I’m happy to announce that the newly formed Metro Star Media has added The Daily Planet to our news family.”

A ripple of surprised murmurs swept through the crowd of gathered reporters, and Chloe felt a nervous frisson of energy. She’d known about the financial problems at the paper, but she’d assumed they were the same problems facing most print media these days. There had been hiring freezes on and off over the last few years, but the most recent freeze had been lifted a few weeks earlier. It was what had allowed Lois to finally get her foot in the door, and it was what gave Chloe hope that there would be a real job waiting for her after graduation. Her editor-in-chief, Perry White, had hinted broadly just last week that he was holding a position for her. Now she understood why.

Her attention was jerked back to the press conference when she heard Oliver’s voice. “Yes, I will be staying in Metropolis, at least for the next few months. I have business at the Metropolis branch of Queen Industries that requires my attention, and I want to be at least passably familiar with The Daily Planet and how it’s structured. But to answer your other question, I have no plans to involve myself in the day-to-day running of the Planet. Tess will be more hands on with the business side of things, but we both agree that Perry White is an outstanding editor who is more than capable of running the show.”

She was startled to hear Clark’s voice, and she hunched slightly, glad that the taller men in front of her hid her from view.

“Clark Kent with The Daily Planet,” Clark began, nodding as both Tess and Oliver smiled in acknowledgement. “So there are no current plans to restructure departments or let reporters go?”

“It’s possible there will be some restructuring, but the plan is to hire more staff, not let people go,” Tess answered him. “The truth is that the Planet is one of the most respected newspapers in the country, but it’s been running on a shoestring budget for years, and that affects quality. By investing in its reputation, we hope to return it to its glory days.”

Chloe breathed a sigh of relief when they moved on to the next question, and soon Tess called an end to the press conference. Men and women circulated, passing out the thick press packets, and minutes later Clark was leading Chloe towards the entrance.

Outside, he turned to her. “How are you feeling now?”

She took a deep breath, not caring that the frigid air burned her lungs. She was calm now, but a tense feeling of dread had settled into her stomach like a lead ball. “I’m okay, Clark,” she replied, proud that she sounded almost normal when she was feeling anything but.

“Let’s stop and eat on the way back,” he suggested, not looking entirely convinced. “You shouldn’t be skipping meals anyway.”

Chloe shrugged but didn’t argue. If giving in to Clark’s coddling meant that he stopped asking questions, it was worth it. For the first time ever, she wasn’t in a big hurry to return to the Planet anyway.


Oliver was talking to Tess when he caught a glimpse of a small, blonde woman being ushered out of the atrium. By the time he focused on her fully, she was gone. He brushed it aside, irritated that six months after his night with Lois, he still found himself paying closer attention whenever a petite blonde crossed his path. He followed Tess up to her office and sat in a chair across from her desk.

“We’ll need to have a staff meeting at The Daily Planet to address concerns related to the buyout,” Tess said. “What does your schedule look like next week?”

“It looks like hell,” he replied honestly. “Ron’s fuckups have left the Metropolis branch with a lot of problems.” Oliver was still angry that his father’s old friend and trusted colleague had been caught skimming funds. He’d also conducted business with some questionable people, exposing the company to corporate spies and the attention of the Feds. Oliver was now working with the FBI to make sure any and all evidence of Ron Harding’s illegal activities was disclosed.

“If I can help, let me know. And stop blaming yourself. Ron had everyone fooled, and he’s been with QI so long that he knew exactly how to play this so that no one would notice. The fact that you did notice within a few months is a point in your favor - not a mark against you.”

“I might not have caught it at all if I hadn’t been paying closer attention to the money trails during the last couple of years. And Victor was the first one to notice something fishy.”

“Well, it’s done and no one’s blaming you,” she observed. “My offer of help stands if you need it.”

Oliver shot her his most charming grin. “What did I ever do to deserve you, Mercy?”

She snorted, unimpressed. “Absolutely nothing and we both know it. Now, next week? Perry and I both have an opening on Tuesday at 2:00 if that works for you.”

He stood and sent a message to his assistant to add it to his calendar. “Tuesday’s fine.”

After leaving Tess’ office, Oliver decided to walk back to Queen Industries. He wasn’t often in Metropolis, but there was something about the city that energized him. He buttoned his coat and shoved his hands in his pockets, noting buildings and landmarks as he walked. He hadn’t yet patrolled in the city since Tess thought it was the height of stupidity for Green Arrow to make an appearance right after Oliver moved to a new place. Restlessness aside, she had a point and he knew it.

Crime was also at a new low due to the presence of a new vigilante commonly referred to as the Blur. Other than the fact he was faster than the eye could see, no one really knew much about him. Bart was eager to stretch his legs and try to catch the speedy newcomer, but Oliver and Tess had agreed to watch and wait for the time being. They had a strong team now with Bart, AC, Victor, Hal and Dinah, and Dr. Emil Hamilton acted as the team doctor and scientist while also heading up a new lab that Oliver and Tess had opened with an eye towards researching meta abilities that seemed to be springing up everywhere.

Metahumans were increasingly on the radar in Metropolis, with a handful of vigilantes apparently calling the city home. Aside from the Blur, who had suddenly arrived on the scene the previous year, there was also a woman the media had taken to calling the Angel of Vengeance and a mysterious blonde woman that witnesses swore had swooped from the sky just before Christmas and caught a derailed train in midair before disappearing back into the sky.

All were of interest to the team, but without proper vetting, Oliver had no intention of risking anyone’s identity. Time would tell if any of them measured up to the standard of what Tess was now referring to as The Justice League.

Oliver stopped to get his bearings at the next subway station. He crossed the street and paused when he noticed a coffee shop in front of him. The Coffee Mill, the same chain from the card Lois had written her note on. He pulled it out of his wallet to be sure.

It’s a coincidence, he told himself, putting the card back in his wallet. It was a popular chain in two states, Kansas being one of them. His earlier bad mood returned with a vengeance, and he headed back to his office to deal with another grueling day.


Chloe sat at her desk, watching the clock and drumming her fingers nervously. It was Tuesday, the day of the mandatory staff meeting to meet the Planet’s new head honchos, and she had no way of getting out of it. She would have feigned illness, but Clark had become so in tune with her physical health since they were children that he’d know she wasn’t sick, which would just open the door to questions she didn’t want him asking.

The one time she lied to a guy and had a fling, and months later he turned out to be her new boss? What were the odds? It was like the epitome of bad luck situations. She supposed it was possible that she might be able to avoid him today, but he was planning to be in Metropolis for at least the next several months. And with the Planet buyout, not to mention her and Clark all over the city covering stories, the odds of avoiding him forever were slim.

So then the question was when she inevitably ran into him and he discovered her lie, how would he react? Would he be angry that she lied? Or would he even care? And if he brushed it off in a blasé fashion, how would that make her feel?

Chloe put her head down and squeezed her eyes shut. Never, ever again would she listen to either of her cousins when it came to her personal life. Lois took dating shenanigans to new extremes all the time, and nothing ever came back to bite her in the ass the way Chloe’s seemingly harmless subterfuge was now turning on her.

She grabbed her phone and texted Lucy.

Just so you know, I hate you right now.

Lucy’s response was prompt.

For what?

Oliver Queen is the new co-owner of the Planet, and there’s a mandatory staff meeting this afternoon. This is all your fault.

Her phone rang immediately.

“You’re joking,” Lucy said.

“Do I sound like I’m joking?” Chloe heard the shrill edge to her tone and made an effort to calm down.

“So what, he’s like your boss now?”

“No - not exactly,” Chloe replied. “I don’t think he’s going to be involved to that extent, but he will be here at 2:00, and he’s in Metropolis indefinitely. Suggestions?”

“Hide?” Lucy sounded amused.

“Very helpful,” she responded sarcastically.

“Oh, shit - Chloe, what about Clark? Everyone thinks you guys started dating last summer. Unless Clark finally manned up?”

“What do you think?” Chloe put her head back down. As if being a liar wasn’t bad enough, now she was a cheater? Clark and Lucy - she could kill them both. “I’ve gotta go.”

“Call me later,” Lucy said before ending the call.

Chloe’s stomach was still in knots a couple of hours later, and she couldn’t get her mind off of the night she’d spent with Oliver. She’d done things that night she’d only ever read about, allowing her curious, adventurous side out to play. Now she was going to have to face him in her office, surrounded by her colleagues, her cousin, her best friend turned fake boyfriend, and her ex, and she was going to have to pretend she didn’t even know him while knowing that when he looked at her, he could very well be remembering her naked. Her life sucked.


Oliver arrived at the Planet around 12:00 and had an informal meeting with Perry and Tess over lunch in the conference room. They discussed funds for revamping certain departments before moving on to staffing concerns. They were now going through the new hires and evaluating interns that Perry wanted to make offers to.

“Chloe Sullivan,” Perry said. “No question that we need her.”

Oliver glanced over Chloe’s employee file. She was the current editor-in-chief of the Metropolis University campus newspaper and had been interning at the Planet since high school. “Definitely impressive. Why does her name sound familiar?”

“We had an intern swap a couple of years ago with the Gazette,” Perry replied. “You might have seen her byline. She was there last year too.”

“Ms. Sullivan interviewed me a few months ago,” Tess remarked. “She’s a solid choice - very professional. I asked Perry to make her an early offer so we can head off the ones she’ll get when she graduates.”

Oliver nodded and picked up the next file. “Clark Kent.” An image of a tall, dark haired young man in a suit and glasses came to mind. “He was at the press conference.”

“He’s less experienced, but he has a lot of potential, and he and Chloe are writing partners,” Perry explained. “And according to the office rumor mill, they’re living together. If we want to keep Chloe, we should keep them together. In my opinion, they make a damn good team anyway.”

In the end, they culled the interns down to Chloe, Clark, Claire Connelly, Andrea Rojas, and Cat Grant. Tess picked up another file. “I’m curious about this new hire - Lois Lane?”

Oliver felt the hairs rise along the back of his neck at the name.

Perry laughed. “Let me tell you something about Lois. She might have gotten her ears wet in the tabloids, writing about alien encounters and Elvis sightings, but she’s a force to be reckoned with and she can sniff out a story with the best of them. Must be something in the genes.” At Tess’ questioning look, he said, “She’s Sullivan’s cousin.”

“Did Lois ever intern in Star City?” Oliver kept his tone casual, but something about the way Tess looked at him told him he hadn’t quite succeeded.

“Not that I’m aware of, but she could have followed a story there. She was all fired up about metahumans for a while, and doesn’t Star City have one of those?” Perry’s brows drew together. “The Arrow or something?”

“I think there’s a local vigilante called Green Arrow,” Oliver replied. “I don’t know the details.”

They concluded their meeting a few minutes later, and Oliver glanced at his watch. It was 1:30 now, and the full staff meeting was at 2:00. He had enough time to confirm his theory. He walked down to the bullpen, stopping a few times to chat with employees. After finding out that the interns and new hires were mostly housed in the basement, he made his way to the elevator.

A copy editor pointed out Lois’ desk in the corner. It was empty, but a fresh cup of coffee from The Coffee Mill told him she would soon return. A photo of two women with an older man caught his eye, and he recognized one of the brunettes as Lucy. He was right - he could feel it.

“Can I help you?”

Oliver turned to see a tall woman with long, dark hair staring at him.

“Hey, you’re Oliver Queen.” The brunette held out a hand. “Lois Lane - nice to meet you.”

Oliver paused. “Lois Lane?” He looked back at the photo - it was definitely Lucy in the photo, and he now recognized the dark haired woman in the photo as the same one who had just introduced herself as Lois. What the hell was going on?

“The one and only, newly hired and ready to get to work - as soon as HR gets their act together. Anyway, I hear we have a staff meeting, but that’s upstairs, right?”

He had always trusted his instincts, and despite Lois turning out not to be his Lois, he knew he was on the right track. “Do you have a sister named Lucy?”

“Oh, God - what’s she done now?”

“Nothing. I met Lucy in Star City last summer,” Oliver answered slowly, deciding to take a guess. “With your other sister?”

Lois’ brows drew together in confusion. “We don’t have - oh. You mean our cousin, Chloe. Little blonde, big attitude? She interned in Star City last summer, and I think Lucy visited her there for a few days.”

“Chloe - right.” Chloe Sullivan, Perry’s star intern. Oliver was starting to feel like a fool because it was clear that Chloe had lied right from the start, and a slow anger burned in his gut. “Well, Lois, welcome to the Planet family. Can you point me towards Chloe’s desk?”

Lois was beginning to look curious, but she pointed across the room before turning away to answer her phone.

Oliver found Chloe’s desk without too much trouble, and the photos there confirmed what he already knew. Big green eyes stared back at him from a younger Chloe’s face as she stood in cap and gown beside a tall, dark haired man whose arm was wrapped around her. Another photo was of Chloe with an older man, presumably her father. He recognized Lucy and Lois with her in another at what appeared to be a picnic at a lake.

“If you’re looking for Chloe, she and Clark should be back in time for the meeting. I think they took a late lunch.” A curly haired young man with a camera around his neck spoke from a neighboring desk.

Clark Kent. Perry’s words came back to him. “He and Chloe are writing partners… and according to the office rumor mill, they’re living together.”

Oliver reached for his wallet and pulled out The Coffee Mill card. ‘Last night was stupendous, amazing, and the absolute best. I won’t forget.’ What a load of bullshit. He placed the card, note side up, on Chloe’s desk and walked away.

A/N: Okay, I’m behind but you can blame my cat - she’s been in heat for the last 10 days and I’ve been sleep deprived and losing my sanity ever since. Vets here don’t want to spay a cat before she’s a year old for some reason - to be fair, Persians are late bloomers (not mature until around 10 months) so that could be it. This chapter has really not been edited - I read it again to look for big errors, but I’m tired, so… let me know if you see something I didn’t. I wanted to update regardless. Also, I know there’s no direct Chlollie here, but I needed to set up the story with the time jump, and that took a whole chapter no matter how I decided to spin it. Next chapter picks up with the staff meeting, and the hijinks begin! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the update!

smallville, character: chloe sullivan, character: oliver queen, fic: if you want me, character: lucy lane, character: clark kent, chlollie, character: lois lane, character: perry white, character: tess mercer

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