Fic: If You Want Me (Chlollie)

Aug 17, 2013 18:40

Author: Poetgirl925

Title: If You Want Me

Summary: Chloe steps outside her comfort zone while on an internship in Star City, California. Returning to Metropolis, she's determined to focus on her career while attempting to fix the mess her personal life is in. But just when things seem to be getting back to normal, Oliver Queen arrives in Metropolis and complicates everything.

Rating: R

Pairing: Chloe / Oliver

Fandom: Smallville

Warnings: Up to season 7, but canon sort of goes out the window with this one. Altered S7-S8

Disclaimer: Don’t own, just playing :)

A/N: The beginning of this chapter is rated NC-17

Chapter 3

Oliver woke suddenly, senses alert until he realized what had startled him was the shifting movement of the small blonde woman beside him. The faint light, diffused by the sheers over his balcony windows, advertised the coming dawn as he reached for her. She rolled towards him with a small sigh he couldn’t help smiling at.

She was soft and relaxed in sleep, but she’d been something different the night before - passionate and responsive in ways that had sent his libido into overdrive. They had entered the penthouse through his private entrance and things got heated in the elevator until she noticed the camera. While he’d assured her that he was the only one with access to it, she’d seemed to find it off-putting.

So he’d slowed things down, opening a bottle of wine and leading her out to the large balcony that ran the length of his bayside penthouse. With one side facing the bay and the other the city, the penthouse offered incredible views. It was just one of the reasons he’d bought the large property a few years earlier.

He’d intended to take things slowly, but his good intentions were banished after heated kisses turned to a full scale make out session against the balcony railing. The first time was a bit of a blur with clothes being discarded in a frenzied trail leading to his bedroom. She’d been hot and so tight he’d known immediately that she wasn’t nearly as experienced as he’d first thought. Her eager responses more than made up for any lack of experience; they’d barely finished round one before he wanted her all over again, and he’d held onto his control a little more tightly the second time around.

Looking at her now, she seemed impossibly innocent, and he wasn’t sure why he’d made assumptions about her level of experience. Probably because he didn’t often associate with women who weren’t experienced. Knowing the score was a prerequisite as far as he was concerned. He really didn’t have the time to devote to anything more complicated.

And yet here he was, considering ways to stay in contact with her after she left. She’d been so cagey about the details that he didn’t have much to go on - she had a year to go finishing her journalism degree somewhere in the Midwest, and he knew this was at least her second summer in Star City. But she’d seemed pretty certain about not returning again, leading him to wonder what had brought her here to begin with.

Lack of details aside, he had a jet and he frequently traveled for business coast to coast, so the possibility of a stopover somewhere along the way wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. And he was free this weekend - no business for QI or the League for once. He had plenty of time to find out what he wanted to know before Monday.

Oliver pulled the sheet down, exposing her body, and she shivered in response. He followed the curve of her shoulder down her arm and back up in a soothing gesture before allowing his fingers to drift across her collarbone and down to her navel. She sighed as he reversed the trail, his hand cupping her breast and massaging until he felt the tip stiffen in response.

His mouth followed, suckling gently while his hand continued across her ribcage, along the dip of her waist and over her hip to massage the round flesh of her ass. It was definitely one of his favorite parts of her body. His fingers flexed, squeezing hard as he felt his own arousal swell.

He saw that she was awake now and watching him, her breathing shallow and rapid. He hooked his hand behind her knee and pulled her thigh across his hip, and she moaned softly when his hand slipped between her legs. Wetness already coated the soft folds, and his finger slipped easily into her depths.

Her quick, indrawn breath alerted him to the fact that she was probably still sensitive. Keeping the movements of his hand slow, he kissed her. “Sore?”

She bit her lip and nodded, but rather than pull away from him, she angled her hips to allow him to go deeper. “A little, but I don’t want you to stop.”

“Good because I don’t want to stop,” he whispered, kissing her neck. His thumb found the little bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs and circled.

She reached out and squeezed his arm, nails biting into him. He watched her expression carefully to gauge any discomfort she was feeling. When she began moving her hips against him, he added a second finger, and she came almost immediately, burying her face against his shoulder.

Oliver couldn’t help feeling a bit of smugness because she looked so utterly satisfied. Her legs shook as she turned onto her back, and she looked at him. “That was…”

“Stupendous? Amazing? The absolute best orgasm you’ve ever had - at least since a few hours ago?” He grinned and nipped her shoulder.

She giggled. “No comment. Clearly women have inflated your ego in the past.”

“Hey, if it’s true, why embrace false modesty?” He reached for a condom on his bedside table and rolled it on before stretching out above her. “Now, where were we?”

She drew her knees up to his waist, allowing him to brush against her. When he lowered his hips and rubbed against her hard, she drew in a breath and tensed slightly.

He kissed her. “Don’t worry - I can be gentle.”

“Gentle, huh?” She lifted her head and placed a sucking kiss against his neck that made him tense with sudden need. Then she whispered, “Boring.”

That was all it took to make him lose the control he’d been hanging on to. He sat back and turned her to lie on her stomach before he raised her hips and entered her swiftly. He planted an elbow beside him and stretched along her back to find the right position, pushing one of her knees forward slightly.

His movements were controlled but certainly not gentle as he thrust against her again and again. Oliver cupped her breast before spreading his hand along her chest, holding her in place. Her head was turned to the left, and he realized she was watching their movements in the mirror above his dresser, her face pink with excitement.

He leaned down and kissed her neck, whispering, “Do you like that? Watching me fuck you?” He lifted her hips slightly to change the angle of entry, pushing even deeper.

“Oh my… yes,” she moaned in response. “Right there.”

Within minutes she was tightening around him in release, and he bit down on her shoulder as he followed moments later.

Oliver’s heart was pounding, and his arms trembled with the task of holding his full weight off her. Finally he pulled away, disposing of the condom before collapsing back onto the bed beside her. She was still lying on her stomach, her arms beside her head, eyes closed, though he didn’t think she was sleeping.

He moved next to her, poking her gently. “Are you alive?”

“I don’t know,” she replied sleepily. “I can’t feel my arms or legs.”

He smiled and pulled her against him so her head was resting on his chest. “Then my work is done… for now, anyway. We should get a little sleep and then I’ll make us some breakfast. After that, we can do anything you want - go out, stay in - your choice.”

When she didn’t answer, he brushed her hair away from her face to find her eyes closed. He stroked her back gently as he, too, drifted off.


Chloe feigned sleep until his hand stopped moving against her back and his breathing evened out. Then she shifted ever so slightly - just enough to allow her to see him. She was tired, but the last thing she wanted was to sleep. She wanted to memorize him and store away every last detail - the high cheekbones, straight nose, square jaw, and the dimple in his chin. The strong shoulders, surprisingly muscular arms, broad chest and flat stomach. The narrow hips and long legs. The hands that had brought her such pleasure in the hours she’d spent in his bed.

No, she didn’t want to sleep for the same reason she had rejected his gentleness despite the soreness evident in her body. The whole night had been a fantasy straight from the pages of one of Lois’ romance novels, and she wanted to remember everything. She wanted to remember the way he tasted, and the spicy scent of his cologne. Twenty years from now, or longer, she wanted to be able to recall with perfect clarity the way he’d moved against her, inside her, and the erotic picture they’d made as she watched their movements in the mirror.

It was beyond tempting to stay with him that day. But Chloe knew that if she did, she ran the risk of making this more than it was. She’d thought she could handle a night of no strings fun. As she’d told Lucy, one and done. But Oliver was more than she’d been expecting, and she could see now that it would be easy to fall for him. Suddenly she had a lot more empathy for the women who threw themselves at him on a regular basis.

Chloe continued to watch him, memorizing his features as she sun rose. She traced his jaw and the hard planes of his chest and stomach, keeping her touch light so as not to wake him. And then she pulled away carefully and left, collecting her clothes on her way to the living room. She used the guest bathroom rather than the one attached to his bedroom, cleaning up and dressing with a grimace as she caught sight of her reflection. She’d definitely be doing the walk of shame, but there was no help for it.

She then began hunting for her bag, finding it half under the sofa. She was just about to step into the elevator when she remembered the cameras that had recorded their frisky activities the night before. Even though Oliver had assured her that he was the only one with access, she couldn’t help remembering that the cameras in the parking garage of the ritzy Bayside Hotel had been hacked last summer. Images of him with a local socialite had hit the Internet the following day before being picked up by every tabloid in America.

The idea that she could end up following the Kardashian path to fame had Chloe hunting for the computers that controlled the security cameras, finding them in his office. A few keystrokes got her into the system, and she erased only the footage she was in before turning off the elevator camera and leaving his office. She dug into her bag, making sure she had her phone and hotel key card. Then she checked the zippered pocket for her emergency cash, finding it clipped to a card from her favorite coffee shop in Metropolis.

On impulse, she grabbed a pen from the kitchen counter and wrote on the back of the card, leaving it beside his phone and keys on the coffee table. Then she took the elevator down to the lobby. She hurried past the doorman, face flushed, but he didn’t appear to find anything out of the ordinary about a young woman in club wear exiting the elevator of Oliver Queen’s penthouse so early in the morning. It was further proof that she had made the right decision by leaving before she risked emotional entanglement.

Luck was with her in her search for a cab, and she was back at her hotel ten minutes later. She used her key card to enter and was surprised to find Lucy asleep on her bed. She bypassed her sleeping cousin and went straight for the shower, washing carefully before wrapping herself in the fluffy bathrobe the hotel provided. She brushed her hair but was too tired to worry about drying it.

Chloe opened the bathroom door and crawled onto the bed, sinking gratefully against the pillows. It was still early, and she hoped to get enough sleep so that she’d be able to get through dinner with her uncle later and not face plant in her dinner plate.

But she’d barely closed her eyes when she felt Lucy turning towards her. “You’re back.”

“Hmm,” Chloe murmured. “Go back to sleep.”

Lucy ignored that. “Is everything ok? Why are you back so early?”

“I just wanted to get back and get some sleep. Sleep that you’re now keeping me from,” Chloe grumbled. She opened her eyes to find Lucy staring at her with a knowing expression.

“No, you wanted to bail before he woke up,” she said. “Avoid the awkward morning after or the possibility that he sends you packing.”

“Avoid the awkward morning after, yes. But I’ll have you know he offered to make me breakfast and take me boating,” Chloe retorted. “I don’t think he was planning on kicking me out.”

“Then you should have stayed. His friend Hal seemed to think Oliver liked you a lot,” her cousin replied.

“Lucy, did you forget that I gave him the wrong name? Staying just would have been awkward, and I’m already feeling…” she broke off, not wanting to voice her thoughts.

Lucy seemed to understand what she left unspoken. “I get it. Then you made the right choice. You don’t owe him anything, Chloe.”

“I know that, but I’m still feeling a little guilty about the lying and the sneaking out this morning. Which is ridiculous because he’s Oliver Queen, and ten to one says he’s done his share of lying and sneaking on the morning after.” Chloe was feeling a lot more emotional about the whole thing than she’d anticipated. She supposed that was proof that when it came down to it, she wasn’t the fling type.

“Exactly.” Lucy was looking at her with a sympathetic expression. “Just go to sleep. You’ll feel better when you wake up and if you don’t, we’ll put Daddy off until tomorrow.”

“You didn’t say anything to his friend Hal, did you?”

“No. I left maybe an hour after you did and met up with a few friends at Bungalow. Your secrets are safe.”

Somehow that wasn’t very comforting at the moment. Swallowing hard against the lump in her throat, Chloe closed her eyes and relaxed, falling asleep soon after.


A distant beeping noise pulled Oliver from sleep, and he groaned as he sat up and opened his eyes. What the hell was that noise? And where was Lois?

Oliver got up and grabbed a pair of sweatpants from his dresser, slipping them on before making his way into the living room. “Lois?”

There was no answer, and he immediately noticed that in the trail of clothing they’d left, hers were noticeably missing. Had she left?

The beeping sounded again just as his phone rang. He realized now that the beeping was from the security system indicating that someone was in the elevator trying to come up. He grabbed his phone and walked to his office to check the camera. Maybe Lois had gone to her hotel for a change of clothes while it was still early.

Checking the caller ID to see Hal’s name, he answered his phone. “Hey hang on a second - someone’s in the elevator.”

“That would be me,” Hal replied. “Victor’s been trying to call you, man.”

Oliver’s brows drew together when he saw the video feed from the elevator was down. He hit the button to allow the elevator up and hung up to go meet his friend at the door.

Hal stepped off the elevator. “Victor called and said someone was messing with your security cameras. He thought it might be you, but when you didn’t turn off the alert and you didn’t answer your phone, he got worried.”

Oliver immediately walked back to his office. “I haven’t touched the cameras in a couple of days, but I noticed just now the video is down in the elevator.” He pulled up the whole system and saw that the changes had been made that morning; more specifically, video had been accessed and erased before the camera had been turned off.

It didn’t take long to realize that the only video that had been accessed and erased was from the previous night. And there had only been one other person in his apartment who could have done it. He stalked back into the living room, searching for any sign of Lois’ presence in his apartment. A card on the table by his keys drew his attention. He picked it up.

“Last night was stupendous, amazing, and the absolute best. I won’t forget.”

Oliver turned the card over to see it was from a coffee shop, but not one he was familiar with. Lois hadn’t left any other information - no last name, no destination city, no phone number.

“Ollie, would you mind telling me what the hell’s going on? The security cameras weren’t hacked or Vic would have noticed. So if you didn’t mess with the cameras then… wait a minute. That girl - Lois.”

“Is gone,” Oliver said, tone even. “She must have erased the video on her way out this morning.”

Hal looked confused. “Why would she do that?”

“We were kissing and… other stuff on the ride up last night. She seemed worried when she saw the camera.” Oliver clenched the card in his fist before tossing it back on the table. He supposed her paranoia might be related to the hacked video scandal that had plagued him last summer.

“So she stayed here last night. She must have been out of here pretty early. When are you seeing her again?”

“Since she left without saying anything and I don’t know how to find her before she leaves on Monday, I doubt I will.”

“You talked to her for a couple of hours before we went to The Loft. Don’t you know anything about her?”

“She didn’t give a lot of details,” Oliver admitted reluctantly, beginning to feel foolish and more pissed about the whole situation than he wanted to admit. When Hal started laughing, he glared at him. “What the hell is so funny?”

“Sorry,” Hal said, not sounding sorry at all. “It’s just that you usually have to come up with creative ways to get rid of the ladies the morning after. And now that you met a girl you might actually like to see again? Not only did she jet without so much as a call me maybe, she wiped the freaking video feeds on her way out like she was trying to erase the whole night. It’s gotta be some kind of karmic retribution man.”

“It’s not karmic anything,” Oliver ground out. He picked up the card again - The Coffee Mill. Typing the name into his phone’s search engine, he found that it was a chain common to the Midwest - namely Kansas and Nebraska. Basically he had nothing - a first name, her sister’s first name, and a coffee shop stamp card for the Midwest, where she was a journalism student.

He briefly considered getting Victor involved. It was possible that with a first name, he’d be able to track down some information. But it was clear by the way she’d slipped out without a goodbye that she was planning to leave it at one night. If she had any interest in pursuing it further, she would have taken him up on his offer of breakfast and spending the weekend together.

Oliver could admit his pride was a little stung, and he was disappointed because their chemistry had been off the charts. But he’d be damned if he let her get to him any more than she already had. He started to toss the card in the trash, but an uncharacteristic sentimentality stopped him. He picked up his wallet and slipped it in the back.

“Let me grab a shower and we can go eat breakfast,” Oliver told Hal, ignoring his friend’s curious look. “And then I can call a few friends, we can take the yacht out. I don’t spend enough time on it anyway.”

Hal nodded, taking a seat on the couch. “Sounds good to me. I’ll call Vic and tell him the camera situation is nothing to worry about.”

A shower and a change of clothes helped him shake off the pensive mood, and he was feeling more like himself when he stepped into the elevator with Hal. Maybe it’s better this way, he thought. If she’d tried leaving after he was awake, he’d have tried talking her out of it. And one night or two spent together wouldn’t change anything. She was still leaving, and if he made promises about visiting, it could very well lead to bitterness if he was unable to keep them.

He thought of the words on her card - stupendous and amazing. He wouldn’t forget her either.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the update! Next chapter picks up in Metropolis after a six month time jump. Thanks for reading :-)

smallville, character: hal jordan, character: chloe sullivan, character: oliver queen, fanfiction, fic: if you want me, character: lucy lane, chlollie

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