Dec 03, 2005 02:29
ok so im going to start this out by saying quinton im sorry if i say anything that is or will make u mad but come im going to start off by saying i have a one of the worst days of my life...i find out that my friend is pregant (not going to say names) but i cant stand her bf he treats her like shit.....and in the end shes going to get fucked and im just going to say well that done and tyred of all this oh im sorry oh it will get im sorry its just going to get worst... so then im like ok so i talked to quinton tonight about everything thats going on... and he mad me feel better i got that little laugh smile that he knows i love...dont know if he even notice that he did it but he i go and hang out with tina cuz i just needed to get out and chill....nics pissing me off but not really long story. so then i get home and im doing some stuff on line and i got to read my livejouranl and then i go to quintons because i still read his and he reads mine, i dont see whats wrong with that...and im just kinda boared so i go to his friends me being noisy not really even reading them. and i see that ginger his "girl friend" post a entrie and im just scrolling down the page and i see my name so of course im going to read what she writes...she starts trippin cuz i have this fuckin picture on my livejouranl still....ok if u know me i never write in this ever and when i do its because im really fuckin pissed. and to tell u the truth i didnt even relize that i still had the pcitre of me and him from xmas last year, on their. i dont see why it matters anyways me and him are still friends sorry but we are...he still calls me and i still call him....and to tell the truth i think we will always be friends friends dont have to talk everyday in order to be friends....and im not going to lie i miss him and im sure he misses me but i know he wont say weather or not he does. i mean come on we lived to gether for how long we went through how mcuh shit....his family hated me and we still stuck through it...and honistly she can have him, if we were really mlent to be together we will find out down the road but for the time being we have both moved why is this whole entrie is about quinton. damn that would of sucked if my batteri would died on me on my yeah anyways i dont know if im pissed or if im just like what the fuck it kinda makes me wounder if he has said anything about me. what the hell would she of done if quinton and i had a kid...anyways im done with all of that thats just some more stupid ass drama that i dont need. man it's 3 in the morring and i cant fukcin sleep. im hoping that i nic and i do hang out tonight/tomorrow cuz i need something good in my life. hope fully hell stay the night if he does come over. but well see. i hate one of the guys that he lives with though cuz hes fuckin stupid.... ok so im going to be stupid now and leave that picture on just to be a bitch....fuck i have alot of shit to do tomorrow...and i have to thinking if i should just stay awake all night....ummmmmmm no i dont think so wow i havent pulled a all nighter since i was in fl...good times good times..i miss our walks to wallmart because we were board.....our crazy crazy sex nights i wont even start with thoughs....ok i gotta stop now i dont even know why im saying all of this but i just thought of something so i gotta go leave quinton a comment now so im going to go talk to u later everyone....guess what nevermind. ok so their is one more i dont know if quinton did this on pupose or what but i was looking through my back pack for the first time since ive been back yes yes since july... and quinton put some stuff in their that honistly mad me cry becvaue it brought back so many memorys was sweet of him but yeah thought i would say it...he put stuff in their that i didnt even know we had....i knew their was a reason i keept him around hahahah lol jk..