Check In #1

May 07, 2016 11:49

Hello all you glorious podficcers! This is the first check in for Podfic Big Bang and Epic Podfic Big Bang.

How is everyone doing? Have you found a title (or titles) that you wish to record? If not, do you want help finding something? If you do, what is it? (or is it a surprise???)

Have you started recording and editing yet? How are you finding it? What do you think will be the biggest challenge with the project you've picked?

For help with those difficult times we have some people who have volunteered to be cheerleaders *\o/*

Feel free to connect with them if you need a little extra encouragement/motivation!

Happy Podficcing!

round 5 (2016), admin: mod post, round 5 (2016): mod posts

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