If you would like your Podfic Big Bang hosted on
the new Podfic Big Bang site (still under construction!) AND/OR converted into podbook format (with chapters enabled, if applicable), please submit your podfic to me in response to this post.
If you want a podbook, but you don't want to be hosted, please specify or I will host both the mp3 and podbook formats automatically.
If you do not desire hosting or a podbook, you do not need to submit anything to me at this juncture.
If you wait until the posting period begins before submitting your files, I cannot promise that I will be able to immediately get back to you with your permanent links. Uploading takes time!
All comments will be screened.
Please include:
- The link to your podfic file(s).
- The link to the story you podficced.
- The names of all podficcers, if the podfic was a collab recording.
- The name of the artist you worked with, if applicable.
- The cover you would like embedded in the mp3/podbook files, if applicable.
- If submitting to this LiveJournal post, I will also need your email. I'd forgotten that (unlike Dreamwidth), LJ doesn't let you reply to screened comments. It would be easier for me if you
posted to Dreamwidth, but you do what's best for you.
Note: I had previously expressed a desire to enable participants to post their work directly to the new PBB site themselves, but that's turning out to be more complicated than anticipated. This year I will continue to index all podfics submitted to the PBB communities during the posting period myself (or with the help of volunteers) and update the cover art galleries, but mp3/podbook files will only be directly hosted on the site if they are submitted here. If you do not submit your files for hosting, I will simply embed whatever links you post to the community into the post to the site.