Schedule and Voting on Themes

Jan 19, 2013 13:44

Round 3 Schedule

Sign-ups: February 8-August 5
Title submissions: February 8-August 5
Match-ups: Informal, no set date
Posting: August 12-August 23
Themeatic Week

This year we're going to try something new, something everyone will hopefully find fun and maybe even helpful, when it comes time to pick a story to podfic: we're promoting themes.

I've see a lot of Big Bangs devoted to beloved themes (e.g. apocabigbang, casestory, heroinebigbang, mpregbigbang) and I thought it might be nice to add a little extra challenge to this year's activities by adopting a few themes for podficcers to optionally use to inform their story selections. The first week of posting will be devoted to the themes voted upon by the community. The second week of posting will welcome all those lovely, surprise podfics that don't really fit with those themes.

Podficcers may record as many podfics as they want for Round 3, so they can record both a thematic entry and a free-for-all entry, if they want. Any podfic of more than 1 hour in duration is welcome! Please don't be too concerned if you already have your heart set on a particular podfic or you're not sure you want to record for the themes the community selects. We still want your podfic!

We've now closed nominations for this year's themes. Please take a moment to cast your vote for the themes you most enjoy. There's no limit to the number of themes you can vote on, but please don't vote for them all. That actually won't help me make a decision, lol.

ETA: The "Strong Female" theme has been changed to "Leading Ladies" due to issues raised about the poor phrasing. I hope this is an improvement. I would hate to delete the idea entirely as it seems to be pretty popular. Feel free to suggest different word choices or ways to group themes together (which may help me out when voting ends). Comments are now screened, so don't be shy.

admin: mod post, round 3 (2013), admin: deadlines

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