Bandom: In My Blood Like Holy Wine

Jun 18, 2012 15:37

Text: In My Blood Like Holy Wine by
Reader: sophie_448
Cover Artist: sophie_448
Fandom: Bandom
Ship: Frank Iero/Gerard Way/Mikey Way, Frank Iero/Mikey Way, Gerard Way/Mikey Way
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Sibling Incest & Underage

Summary: It's the dirtiest thing he's ever done, being in love with his brother, wanting Mikey and watching and waiting, taking what little he can get.

MP3 [77 MB, 01:25:10]
Podbook [81 MB, 01:25:10]

Reader's Notes: Thank you so much to Sena for giving me permission to record this story, even though she already has a blanket permission policy. It was really nice of her to indulge my spazzyness over the whole thing. This story is pretty much exactly what I always wanted in a Waycest fic. Plus Frank! I loved reading it, and I hope i did it justice.

Reader's Credits: Intro and outro music is “A Case Of You,” beautifully covered by Dawn Langstroth.

Crossposted to

podfic: 01-02 hours, & projects: round 2 (2012), fandom: bandom

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