Bandom: Graham Need Not Apply

Jun 18, 2012 15:35

Text: Graham Need Not Apply by
Cover Artist:
Fandom: Bandom
Ship: Spencer Smith/Brendon Urie
Rating: Teens

Summary: Spencer doesn't want to be just one in a string of drummers for Panic. He's trying his hardest not to be another Graham, which would be easier if someone would tell him exactly what it is that Graham did. Or: Spencer pines, Brendon is a brave little toaster, and Ryan Ross will cut you.

MP3 [58 MB, 01:04:33]
Podbook [38 MB, 01:04:33]

Podfic Post: Dreamwidth

Reader's Notes: I love this story and was so excited to podfic it! It was one of those stories that as you are reading it for the first time you’re already hearing it in your own voice in your head, and you know you want to record it. My heart just aches for Spencer - he’s so well meaning and self sacrificing, and yet he doesn’t need to be! And her Brendon is adorable and lovable, so easy with his affections and so obviously confused by Spencer’s reactions. But of course all is well in the end… :)

Artist's Notes: The image you see here was not my original art plan for this story, but jenepod was really accommodating about the fact that it took me supercrazylong to finally put together something (after several tries) that looked a) pretty and b) relevant to the story. (It’s the scene where Spencer is all pine-y and mope-y and missing Brendon’s smiling face. You’ll recognize it when you hear it…)

Artist's Credits: All images were snagged via Google. I didn’t take the photos, and I claim no monetary compensation. If you like what you see, I can probably dig up a link for you somewhere…

Crossposted to

podfic: 01-02 hours, & projects: round 2 (2012), fandom: bandom

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