As some of you may have noticed, I've been seen again in these parts. I've missed you guys!
I've been trying to avoid spending too much time following your election, when we are in the midst of our own up here, but let's be honest, ours isn't near as exciting as yours!
Nevertheless, I watched the debates (both in English and French), listened to the platforms, and cast my vote early on Friday.
I haven't been completely displeased with the Conservatives in Parliament this term. The Tories are not my preference, but being a minority government, they can't do excessive damage. Steven Harper is hoping for a majority this time around, but polls have now pegged his support at 34% (down from 41% earlier on). Lets hope this trend continues on to Oct. 14.
One big concern with Canadians is Steven Harper's plan for a $45 million cut to cultural funding and coming up with his own funding program. There are those in Quebec (like folk singer Michel Rivard of Beau Dommage) who worry about the English-speaking far right having a say in their cultural programs.
Watch this:
Click to view
Canadians can make funny videos at election time too, eh?
There's an extended version
here that's even funnier!
That's it, my vote's in. I can join the fun now!