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killabeez October 16 2014, 00:40:19 UTC
This post really resonates with me. I find I'm interested in Dean again, after two years of despairing that the show really meant to go anywhere with that character. Horrified, mind you, but interested. As I was watching this latest ep, I found myself thinking about the aspects of Dean we're seeing come into sharp focus: his self-loathing (why I think he killed the douchebag husband) and his sadistic tendencies (why he didn't kill Cole; why he let Sam catch him)-two traits that I think are closely intertwined.

or even if he was saying all these things just so later on he can say he said them

Interesting way to look at it. I saw it as maybe a sort of flip side of that. After his "I hit a dog" experience and how shitty he felt about it for such a long time, I think he just can't live with making that choice again, even though it was far more rational and less dangerous than the choices he's making now. Once was all he had in him.


pocochina October 16 2014, 03:31:00 UTC
I find I'm interested in Dean again, after two years of despairing that the show really meant to go anywhere with that character. Horrified, mind you, but interested.

IT'S SO GREAT. I've been thinking/hoping that I was seeing the character on this trajectory all this time and it could flop any day now but I THINK IT'S REALLY HAPPENING?!?!

After his "I hit a dog" experience and how shitty he felt about it for such a long time, I think he just can't live with making that choice again, even though it was far more rational and less dangerous than the choices he's making now.

There's a difference between feeling that way and explicitly saying that he feels that way to a demon that's doing everything he can to twist the knife. You know? Sam knew good and well to keep things under his hat even before the Mark - like, it's not just that he felt shitty out of nowhere, Dean worked him long and hard to make him feel shitty about it - so, true or not, fair or otherwise, there's a reason he's choosing to communicate all of this now.


killabeez October 16 2014, 03:34:34 UTC
Dean worked him long and hard to make him feel shitty about it - so, true or not, fair or otherwise, there's a reason he's choosing to communicate all of this now.

I get what you're saying, but I'm not sure I see Sam that way. His mode is to go over the top in one direction or another-either drinking demon blood or playing house with Amelia (or Jess). I see this as swinging back the other way. He tried getting out (again) and it failed catastrophically (again) so he's back to all-or-nothing. JMO!


pocochina October 16 2014, 04:30:18 UTC
That's not what I'm saying, though? I'm not talking about the intensity of his private experience. I'm saying, Sam is far more likely than not to have an intense private experience and not say anything to Dean. The demon blood which he went a year without saying anything about, and that only happened after he got caught, is actually a really good example of what I'm saying. If Sam opens up, even if he is 100% sincere (which I do think he is), we can infer that he does have a good reason he is choosing to pipe up. IDK, maybe it's that he's really run down - like, as run down as he was doing the Trials, when he told Dean things he's been keeping to himself for decades - but that is still a reason which tells us something about his current experiences.

I also don't think it's fair to try and separate Sam's subjective emotional state from what we can objectively observe about his situation. We know that Dean did give him a really hard time about having the nerve to have a life after the Sucracorps siege. And I think we should be cautious ( ... )


killabeez October 16 2014, 04:44:29 UTC
So, maybe I don't get what you're saying. I guess the part where I think I differ in opinion is that I'm not seeing a lot of nuance in Sam's choices right now. I see that he's making a choice, but I'm not sure I can see how he's detached enough to make a conscious, nuanced clarity about how he expresses his choice.


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