and yet more SPN S8 thoughts.

May 26, 2013 23:30

I have absolutely no intention of shutting up about Supernatural.

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spn: sammay!, supernatural, othering, disability, spn: dean what even, abuse

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Comments 15

jo1027 May 30 2013, 17:43:03 UTC
"I do disagree that this is a writers problem. (Except in S5; S5 dropped the ball so hard.) I think the show was particularly clear this season that THIS IS WHAT IS GOING ON and THIS IS NOT OKAY. There's a subset of fans who are willfully gross about it, but you're going to get that in any fandom."

I hope your right that the writers are saying that this is not okay. Because it's not. Does that mean you think the writing for Sam and Dean is going to change? Guess I'm skepitcal about that.


pocochina May 30 2013, 18:24:27 UTC
I mean, I think the scene in the church pretty effectively punctured Dean's illusions about how he treats his brother and what the results of that are. ("....So?") Whether he learns from that and knocks it off is up in the air, but I think S8 got him to a point where I believe he might try if only because human!Cas is more vulnerable and therefore a much more suitable chew toy.

But yes, I think S8 very deliberately set up a reckoning well before the trials arc really kicked off - standout episodes for this are 8x3, 8x7, 8x10, and 8x15. I couldn't ask for more in terms of writing that's deliberate and conscious in what it's doing, tbh, so I hope that doesn't change too much! But I'm interested to see if we can also have emotionally nice things with that level of technical skill.


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