reframing "sexual maturity"

Mar 02, 2010 23:57

I’d like to challenge prevailing ideas of “sexual maturity” from a pro-PWD (and particular, people with invisible mental illness) perspective.  This is clearly an idea found within mainstream feminism, but I don’t think it’s really all that distinguishable from mainstream thought in general, so, you know, apply as necessary.  Overall, it is ( Read more... )

disability, feminism, sexuality

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kaninchenzero March 3 2010, 07:19:18 UTC
Nope, not immature in the least. It sounds like you made the best decisions for yourself. I generally think most people do. Including teenagers. Even decisions that usually get labeled as Bad Choices--people have good reasons for them and when they make Bad Choices tend to have not a lot of good options available.

"Promiscuity" actually is, horrifyingly, a symptom of mental illness--it's often used as one of the criteria for borderline personality disorder. What sort of behavior qualifies as promiscuity is entirely up to the judgment of the person evaluating the patient. Completely subjective.

As far as I can tell borderline is what PTSD is called when the evaluator doesn't like the patient. It means you got abused because you suck. (Yeah, I've been given this label and I'm bitter about it. I like the way PTSD fits much better.)


pixxelpuss March 3 2010, 08:03:13 UTC
"As far as I can tell borderline is what PTSD is called when the evaluator doesn't like the patient. It means you got abused because you suck."

That is BEAUTIFUL. I want to get a T-shirt printed up so I can wear it class and piss off my professors.


kaninchenzero March 3 2010, 09:17:38 UTC
I'm flattered! Steal it with my blessings. :)


pocochina March 3 2010, 08:12:20 UTC
Nope, not immature in the least. It sounds like you made the best decisions for yourself. I generally think most people do. Including teenagers. Even decisions that usually get labeled as Bad Choices--people have good reasons for them and when they make Bad Choices tend to have not a lot of good options available.

Yes, so very well-said. And what I don't want is for this one tiny sliver of society where teens can get some non-shame about having sex to become a source of belittlement and shame. These resources have to be as accessible as possible for all of these teens.


pocochina March 3 2010, 08:16:25 UTC
Also (sedative-brain, I'm so sorry to be scatterbrained but I didn't want to wait because I really appreciated your taking the time to leave such a thoughtful comment) I'm really sorry about the crappy unprofessional psych experience. I've been there too and it whomps so hard.


kaninchenzero March 3 2010, 10:38:57 UTC
I'm sorry you had bad experiences there. Psych can help when it's good, and it can fuck you up when it's not ( ... )


pocochina March 3 2010, 18:31:11 UTC
I'm glad to hear things are working out right now.

Also: So many psych people get the wrong idea when you start talking about needles and setting people on fire Heh. :)


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