Stuff I want (that you can afford!)

Dec 13, 2008 01:20

And that time is once again upon us; the season of giving.  Personally, I'm more into the giving scene now rather than the receiving, but since some others may have the same mindset as me, let me run down a brief wish list so as to make the jobs of those select individuals easier.

"Affordable" is a relative term, especially given most people's financial status.  To assist in the process, I'll go ahead and list the items in approximate MSRP value with nothing over a Benjamin.  And for the record, I encourage creativity and straying from the list.  This should be used only if you do not know me very well (in which case you really shouldn't be purchasing presents for me anyways so this whole thing is kinda moot).

 - A nice book mark.  Seriously.  I could just as easily use any piece of scrap paper, but I'm spoiled like that and prefer a fancy smancy plastic label indicating my last read location.

Asian Drinks
 - I cannot stress this enough: this is NOT an euphemism for alcohol.  You goto Lotte or whichever local asian emporium you have in your region and just goto town on the drinks.  I am particularly fond of Pocari Sweat but am not adverse to testing out other flavors.

Stud Finder / Laser Level
 - If you are not familiar with this item, I assure you it is not some sort of gaydar.  It finds wooden support beams behind walls and projects straight lines.  Don't understand?  No matter, you only need to buy it, not comprehend it.

Pocket Knife
 - A practical blade that can be clipped to pants.  I do not need any rare collectible knives, fantasy knives, or army knives.  Also no multitools.  Prefer knives with tonto head, serrated blade, and with a LEGAL assisted opening mechanism (such as torsion knife).

Suit / Blazer
 - I find myself in scenarios occasionally where I have to dress up.  Seeing how as I only have two suits (one of them being a recreation of Colonel Sander's ensemble), I would really like some more formal-esque clothes.  Black strongly preferred.

edit: other things that I kinda need but am too lazy to go get (in no particular order)
bar soap, hair gel, socks, bathroom hygiene kit, 4gb+ thumb drive, hdmi cables, power strips, tooth paste

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