Awe, hell yeah! Awe, hell no! Awe, hell yeah!

Sep 04, 2011 18:30

Hell yeah! because I'm super excited for the Good Wife episode that CBS is going to put on thier website either tonight or tomorrow and I'm craving that show reeeaally badly!

Hell no! because I have no way of legally watching new eppies of Torchwood or Doctor Who from my dorm room. Spoilers are going to be everywhere!

On a brighter side, I stayed up 'til almost 4 in the morning watching Alan Cumming movies. No seriously, I was. First I actually watched "The Social Network" (not Alan, but bear with me), then I finally decided to finish "Intimate Affairs" (also known as "Investigating Sex") after starting it months ago and never finishing until now. Finally, right when I was thinking about going to bed, I stumbled onto "Bam Bam and Celeste"... OMG that movie was so great! I'll do a quick review for it. But yeah... both Intimate Affairs & Bam Bam and Celeste were Alan movies. And so ends my story XD

*EDIT*: Go here for the reviews on all three:

tv, doctor who, movies, alan cumming

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