more political stuff! shocker!

Nov 07, 2006 17:45

I'm so jazzed about this election, guys. Seriously. What is wrong with me? I'm totally pumped to start watching for exit polls.

The polls haven't closed yet, so here are some reasons to vote, as assembled by myself, with help from miseryloves_ for last week's Indy:

  • You get that awesome "I voted!" sticker.
  • Is there someone on the opposite end of the political spectrum you really hate? Your vote can cancel out their vote!
  • Because if you don't vote you'll spend the rest of your life nervously wondering when P. Diddy is going to show up to kill you.
  • There might be some hot poll workers mixed in with the cranky old people, and by the end of election day they'll be so tired they'll go home with anyone.
  • All the cool kids are doing it.
  • The next time some snobby old person tells you young people are totally apathetic, you can shove this in their face. You know, if you feel like it.
  • Voting is the first step to understanding the weird political conversations those hot kids in your Sociology class are always having.
  • Jon Stewart wants you to, and as a college student, it's your obligation to do what he says.
  • You have the day off from classes, so no one will believe you when you say you're too busy.
  • If you have to work, you can leave to vote and take your sweet time coming back.
  • Emily Farrell and Patrick Cassels are working the polls on campus (see point 4.).
  • Because you know you want to complain about the government and and complaining without voting just makes you look stupid.

Also, this is a very interesting editorial that ran in the Times the other day:
The Difference Two Years Made

Finally, for a very sad laugh, check out, where "Britney Files for Divorce" is at the top of their breaking news, above basically all the election reports.

indy, politics

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