Oct 22, 2006 20:39
I just deposited a check, so clearly the great idea would be to spend $20 on bad horror movies. (Or, okay, not bad so much as classic and funny. Shaun of the Dead, Halloween: H20, and Friday the 13th all for under $10.) Also on sparkling raspberry water that I am now wearing rather than drinking, for the most part.
But that means horror movie marathon tonight! Wooooo! I haven't see Friday the 13th in sooo long. Plus, there's Halloween: H20 which will satisfy my Michael Myers craving. I would have preferred Halloween or Halloween 4, as those are the best, but this will do. (There is also something to be said about Halloween 6 what with the druid cults, Paul Rudd, and the spawn of Michael Myers.) I'll drink what's left of my sparkling water and have a grand old time.
Something I've been noticing more and more recently is the way that MySpace caters their advertising to each user. I swear, everytime I log on I get at least one gay-themed dating service ad and something relating to paying off college. I hadn't even thought about it until I was logged on under someone else at the office and noticed that they had straight-themed dating service ads, which I had never seen on MySpace before. I kind of get a chuckle out of it.
I wrote a LOT today, and I actually like most of it. No joke. It's not for my senior project, and it's leading me down a very angsty road, but since i know that everything works out in the end, I'm kind of okay with that. Plus, it IS just about time for Danny and Alan's semi-annual fight, and since they can't fight about Danny being closeted anymore, they might as well fight about this.
An actual conversation had in my apartment this afternoon:
K: The question is... do I really need an icon of Tom in a lobster suit?
C: ... how is that even a question?
Somebody? Bring me a cookie please? Thanks.
horror movies,