Oct 08, 2006 17:25
I saw Bob Woodward on Meet the Press this morning, and it was just super adorable.
I'm not even kidding.
It was such a throwback to when investigative journalism meant something. Like, he kept refering to his "sources and secret documents" and then, when talking about how Dick Cheney claims that he's lying about something, he said, "It's in my secret documents, which I brought with me to show you!" and then he whipped the secret documents out!
It was so adorable. Both the fact that he kept calling them "secret documents" and that he brought them with him on television to prove to everyone he was right. It was the most endearing thing I've seen on Meet the Press in quite some time.
Also endearing? The campaign ad for Ned Lamot where's he's talking to a room full of pre-schoolers about the issues. It should be hokey, but instead it's hilarious.