what a day!

Apr 14, 2006 00:09

Ooooh man. Yesterday I hung out with sgmandy007 and quatredeathlady, which was pretty fun, considering I haven't seen either in them in too long. Gah.

Today, Steve and I had tentative plans to hang out. Which, after a disasterous attempt to call each other that was thwarted by my piece of crap phone, led to a thirty minute AIM conversation with the two of us being indecisive as hell. We ended up going to the Palisades to wander around until we found something better to do. "Something better" ended up being Thank You For Smoking, which Steve adored as much as I do. Afterwards, while we were browsing in Barnes and Noble, Sarah called Steve and told him she had free tickets for Tryst, did he want to go? He asked if she could get another ticket and she said yes, so we ended up going to see an off B'way play for free. Fun stuff.

Tryst was... very good. Very intense, and not at all what any of us expected. The ending was... wow. I was really afraid that it was going to go a certain way and I was going to hate it but.... wow, it totally didn't happen that way. Christ.

Yeah, I know that's vague, but I don't feel like cutting for spoilers. Anyway, it was great. Afterwards we came home and after fucking around with my computer for like, an hour, I finally got it to connect to the internet again. But I don't think AIM is working? Argh. Stupid piece of shit computer.

So yeah, today was pretty awesome. I had a lot of fun. It's pretty cool having friends, I must say.

Tomorrow I am seeing a movie in the city, and then Saturday I might hang out with Steve again. Sunday is home for Easter Brunch, and then Monday I'll be back here to start laying out the Naked Issue. (PS: There is nudity in Tryst, which definitely caps off my nudie-week here at Purchase.)

theatre, friends

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