various for real this time.

Mar 05, 2006 01:01

I have a post-it on my desktop of things to talk about!

i. Fake!Lent!

mcwonthelottery proposed that those of us who are not religious participate in a sort of Fake!Lent this year. Her reasoning is, the ideas behind Lent are sound (self-realization through self-denial, performing good deeds, proving to yourself you can go without and have self-control, etc), but the wrath of Jesus is... off-putting, to those who aren't religious.

So, I have decided that I am going to participate in this. This is what I am doing:
1. I am going to try very hard to be nice to people who I normally might not be nice to. (Exempt from this: The Rent fandom) People I work with, people I have class with, etc. I'm going to try not to snip about people behind their backs or roll my eyes too much.

2. I am going to either write or work on character development through questionaires, RP, etc every day.

3. I am going to do something nice for someone else as often as I find the chance. (I'm not going to say "every day," because some days I spend basically alone.)

I'll be trying to moniter my progress. I'll let you know how it goes on Easter.


ii. hives

I'm not as stressed out as I normally am this time of year, but I'm STILL covered in hives. Every year, for those of you new around these parts, when I get stressed out from work+school I get hives and they itch and they're terrible and they make me miserable. But this year, I'm not really stressed right now? BUT I HAVE THEM ANYWAY. Some on my face, one on my EYELID, a few on the front of my torso and my arms, but my back is COVERED. My back has a million itchy little hives popping up across it and it's driving me nuts.

So, does anyone have any recommendations of stuff that... makes hives go away?


iii. women's history month + writing

March is National Women's History month. I did not know this. I would have sworn it was April, but I was wrong. It's March.

I've noticed that, lately, I've been neglecting my female characters. Alan has kind of taken over my brain taken precedence in my work and while he has many strong women in his life, the stories about him are... about him. For the rest of the month, I'm going to do my best to get to know my female characters. If you're on my writing filter, keep your eyes peeled for some new stuff about some characters you might already know (Justine, Cynthia), some older characters who haven't been around for awhile (Eliza, Eleanor, maybe Grace and Emily?), and some new or barely used characters (Felicity is getting her own story + timeline, Alan's mother Maggie will be popping up, and Lizzie Gordon, a political hopeful starting grad school and a new job in DC, is starting her story).

This will be fun. I promise. Lizzie and Felicity especially.


iv. dinner + teevee

Steve and Mark came over for dinner and we watched five episodes of TWW. We're now just past "He Shall, From Time to Time," and we plan on watching more tomorrow. I'm really hoping we get to "Celestial Navagation" because... c'mon. Best episode ever. (Except not really because THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD ONES.) Steve is a little in love with CJ, which is awesome because... CJ is awesome.

I really love introducing people to this show because it's really novel to watch it with someone who's never seen it. It's such an awesome, empowering show and it's neat to see that other people get as genuinely giddy watching it for the first time. It's not just me and my pre-established love for the characters, this stuff really is brilliant.

Anyway. I think I might go to bed? I didn't sleep well last night and I'm exhausted. I actually haven't been sleeping well lately at all :\ If it lasts through spring break, I will do one of these two things:
1. Go to the doctor.
2. Buy lots of NyQuil.

We shall see.

tmi, tww, fake!lent, writing

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