shameless plea for donations

Mar 26, 2015 12:20

Hello, friends!

One of my jobs at my…job…is organizing a fundraising walk for my company. It’s in support of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) which is a great cause aligned with both my personal intersets and my work stuff.

As I am the ~*~team captain~*~ I like to try and raise a respectable amount of money! This year, if you donate to me, I will make you a thing! Either I will write you a ficlet or I will color you a coloring sheet which I will then MAIL TO YOU for framing in a place of honor and/or hanging on the fridge with a magnet. Just send me a message once you donate and I will promise to try and have your ~*~gift~*~ done before the date of the walk, May 16th.

Last year at the walk, we saw a dog that looked like he was drawn by Rob Liefeld. I also promise that if you donate to me, I will try and find that dog again this year and take better pictures.

You can donate by clicking here!

Thanks, friends! I appreciate it! :D

nami walk, work: office girl, charity

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