february was so long that it lasted into march

Mar 05, 2015 09:29

Hello, internet.

SO. The last few days have been pretty eventful.

On Monday, when I was pulling out of our driveway onto the street to go to work, I got into an accident. It was, as these things go, not that bad. Becca and I are okay, so is the woman in the other car. Her car was mostly fine with some bumper damage. My car was...less fine.

The back driver's side door got smashed in and the car is technically driveable, but I'm not super comfortable driving it :\ I'm still waiting for the insurance assessor person to come out and look at it so I can take it to be repaired. I have zero idea what I'm doing. When the accident happened, Becca had to google "what to do after a car accident" because both the other woman and I were entirely clueless. I guess after the guy looks at it I take it somewhere to be repaired?

Being without a car is really, really terrible. I can, technically, get to work and back during the week, but knowing that I don't have a car and I can't get anywhere else easily--I have all these dumb errands I've been putting off (like going to the fucking post office). I can't really go anywhere but the immediate vicinity on the weekends. It's really stressing me out and making me incredibly anxious. I am, as I'm sure most of you can attest, a HUGE control freak, and losing that ability to be independently mobile is really upsetting to me.

Plus, there are practical issues--pearl_o will be here in less than two weeks and I'm going to need to pick her up from the airport and if we want to go anywhere/do anything while she's here, this makes it much more complicated :(

Mixing with all of that anxiety is work stuff. As far as my boss' craziness goes, January and February have only been minorly stressful. So, of course, the two days so far I've been in the office in March have shifted back to crying multiple times a day in the stairwell, being blamed for everything, getting all of her passive-aggressive and gaslighting bullshit, and having to try and be the rational one in the middle of her insane chicken little "THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!" panic over every little thing.

Also, Kyleigh is leaving in a week and a half. She got a new job and her last day is a week from Friday. That is GREAT for her and I'm SO HAPPY she's getting out of this shit hole, but it's leaving me majorly worried that my boss will become EVEN MORE CRAZY and my major outlet at work--venting to Kyleigh--will be gone :(

So mostly I'm just a walking ball of anxiety and stress over those two things. Add to that the winter from hell that's making me super unreasonable--I ragequit casual tumblr check-ins twice in the past week because people (from places north of the Mason-Dixon that regularly get snow) were complaining about their minor amounts of snow like it was the end of the world and I was two seconds away from cursing them out. Walking from the bus stop to work is insanely dangerous because of all the snow and the lack of clear sidewalks. (Walking from home to the bus stop is less bad because the streets I walk on are all not very busy, so when I have to walk in the street it's not too bad.) Everything just feels like the ABSOLUTE WORST, and I know I'm not engaging with my friends, my online community, etc as much as usual because of it, which just makes everyone worse.

Everything is terrible. I probably should have led with that. I'm limping through to the hope that someday it won't be like this any longer. Ugh. :(

car w0es, work: office girl, snowpocalypse 2k15, slanty face

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