monday morning

Mar 16, 2015 08:55

Good morning, internet. I'm tired :(

Today is the first day of my Kyleigh-less work existence and I can already tell it's going to be rough. Luckily, my boss is also out for two weeks/a week and a half (she's one of those people who takes two weeks off but is available "if you need her" and then comes back into the office early for some not actually important emergency, so who knows how long she'll really be gone), so at least there's some quiet here to dull the ache.

I got my car to the car place a week ago Friday, so I have about two weeks left, at least, until I get it back. I did manage to join ZipCar, though, so I'll have something with which to pick pearl_o up from the airport TOMORROW (!!!!!!!) because that's when she gets here. TOMORROW. Oh man. I have...a lot to do, still. I was supposed to clean this weekend, but I just didn't have the energy, so I foresee a lot of cleaning tonight. And going to bed early, because I'm wrecked from staying up until eleven last night.

(I've been wrecked in general lately. I was holding out this vague hope that my body just had to adjust to daylight savings time, but nope. The graphs on my sleep tracker app assure me that I'm sleeping like shit and that's why I feel so wrecked.)

So yeah, it's basically business as usual around here.



  • Let's see--Becca and I have been watching Futurama from the beginning, on and off. We're up to the third season, I think? So that's been fun. I've seen most of that first four years often enough that I can basically recite it, so it's not too distracting when I'm trying to do other things.

  • Becca's been slowly getting all of US Shameless on BluRay and I've been watching those with her. It's very different from the UK one, especially tonally, and I can't help but constantly compare the two in my head. I've been enjoying it, though.

  • Yesterday Becca put on Broad City and we watched most of that and it's not bad.

  • Much like the rest of Netflix-loving America, we mainlined all of The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt over two days last week and I looooooooooooooove it ♥ A couple sketchy racial things aside, it is SOOOOOOOOO good and so funny and so delightful! I was basically out of The Office by the time Ellie Kemper was on board, but she is GREAT as Kimmy and the supporting cast is great and the music is SO CATCHY. I have had every stupid made up song stuck in my head on loop for DAYS, especially the theme song. But gosh, I really loved it. A++.

  • Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooly shit, Gravity Falls O_O
Soooooooooooooooooooo the "Stan has a twin" theory is true. And the government is on to Stan. And Mabel essentially had to choose between trusting Dipper and trusting Stan and she chose Stan. And my soul has been crying for a week.

I'm trying really hard to ignore all the symbolism and foreshadowing in this episode so I can believe that Dipper and Mabel will be FINE. Like, Dipper should be happy that Mabel didn't turn off the machine! Because it didn't destroy the world and it DID bring forth The Author, whom Dipper has spent the whole summer looking for.

BUT. :(

Plus, I don't think in Mabel's mind, it was a choice between Dipper and Stan. I think, to her, it was a choice between seeing the best in people and seeing the worst in people, and Mabel is always going to want to see the best in people. This is the girl who, after being humiliated by Pacifica once, had no problem trusting her again almost immediately afterwards because she honestly just wants to be friends with everyone. Of course she chose to believe the best of Stan, and it turned out to be the right choice (.............hopefully?), but...ugh, Dipper is absolutely not going to see it that way and uuuggghhhhh :(


:( :( :(


I thought I had other things to report on, but perhaps not. There's a new Worst Bestsellers up later today, about Flowers in the Attic, if purple prose and sibling incest is your thing. Check the website around noon EST.

And now I will go back to trying to write this fake boyfriends story.

futurama, car w0es, work: office girl, teevee, shameless, gravity falls

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