leaving the house worked out well for me!

Feb 06, 2015 14:43

As it turned out, I didn't wuss out of the event last night because of tiredness! I dragged my ass over to Cambridge and had a great time! Woooo!

After I got out of work, I hung out at the hotel with Ivy and Scott for a while, then Ivy and I went over to the theatre while Scott finished up some work and saw his family. Jesse and Grace eventually joined us, along with Ivy's friends Mike and Alice and Caroline and a gentleman who's name I can't remember. We all chatted for a bit before the conversation started. Most of them were strangers, but if you've ever met ivy_rat, you know she has a way of making sure no one feels like a stranger for long.

Scott was in conversation with Hillary Chute and she asked some great questions about the background of The Sculptor and the process and the different elements that made it work. She had him pull up a great bunch of pages that showed really diverse techniques and parts of the art and story. (Apparently Scott told all the interviewers that they could feel free to refer to certain pages and he could pull them up, but she was the first to take him up on it. I'm glad she did--hearing the process and the artistry behind the art was really cool.) Scott talked a lot about creativity and the different ways to be a creative person and how sometimes it's important to step outside of your normal method of being creative to find something new.

He's a great speaker and I'm def still thinking about a lot of the things he said. If you have a chance to see him on this tour (or giving his regular talk), definitely go for it.

Once he wrapped up, Jesse and Grace left to go get dinner and I hung out with Ivy and her friends, just chatting while Scott signed until it was time to move to signing venue #2. I met up with Jesse and Grace again and hung out with them on line and once Scott was done signing everything, at like, 9pm, a bunch of us (Ivy, Scott, Caroline, the gentleman who's name I'm forgetting, Mike, Gina [Scott's publicist], and me) went to get dinner.

It was really just a lovely meal. We chatted about all manner of things (Gina likes Gravity Falls and all her friends are librarians too! Ivy and Scott tried to get everyone to listen to Worst Bestsellers! I angrily defended 50 Shades because that's my life now!) while we ate, which kind of helped us (well, me at least) forget how crappy the service was. I just felt very relaxed and generally happy to be there in that moment with those people. I've been pretty messed up lately, and I think I really needed that.

Anyway, I dropped Ivy and Scott and Gina off at the hotel and then went home and stupidly talked to Becca for like, half an hour before I went to bed, which accounts for how freaking tired I am now.

But, it's Friday afternoon at 2:30 and I have the whole weekend ahead of me and a podcast tonight, so things could be worse, I guess!

(Also, I will do a tiny #humblebrag. idk if I mentioned this at the time, but when I was out in CA last winter, I read a draft of the book and offered some ideas/suggestions. So this is my new claim to fame.)


So, plan for the weekend:
  • Go to Target
  • Record Podcast
  • Write (x1)
  • Laundry
  • Clean room
  • Clean living room
  • Clean kitchen
  • Clean bathroom
  • Write (x1)
  • Finish Galentine's baskets
  • Pick up comics
  • Read comics
  • Write (x1)

Fingers crossed I have the energy to get it all done!

ivy is the best, books, friends

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